Progress Pond

Heinrich Running for Senate?

We’re going to have a difficult time with our Senate races on election night in 2012 even if Obama wins reelection in a massive blowout. One potential bright spot is in New Mexico. If it’s true that Rep. Martin Heinrich is running for Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s seat, it will be a campaign worth supporting enthusiastically. I like Sen. Bingaman a lot and I’m bummed that he’s retiring, but I think Heinrich will compile a more progressive voting record. I interviewed Heinrich back in 2007 as part of our Open Seat Initiative. His opponent even ran an attack ad against him citing our interview. On the other hand, Heinrich’s been a little timid in the House. I think he’s strayed to the middle too much. But he did get reelected in a bad year for Democrats, so maybe he knew what he was doing.

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