I don’t watch his show and I have only heard him on the radio on a couple of cross-country drives, but I am relieved that Glenn Beck is losing his platform on Fox News. As George Zornick at Think Progress says:

Yesterday on his radio show, Beck foreshadowed this announcement by telling his listeners that if he left Fox News, “don’t you ever believe” that the liberal watchdog Media Matters “caused a victory.” Perhaps that’s true — only Glenn himself is to blame for creating a show so radically divorced from reality that even Fox News couldn’t handle it.

Getting rid of Beck doesn’t solve anything and may even make Fox more credible, which would be unfortunate. But I am uncomfortable with Beck having a high-rated show on cable news when nothing he says is true and more than half of it is deranged. Basically, I think it is unhealthy to have any demagogue let loose on the public to misinform and inflame the mentally vulnerable. We don’t need that now.

Beck will still have a big radio audience, but his credibility has taken a hit, and he may never get a big television audience again. I count that as a small step in the right correct direction.