Progress Pond

Please Support Booman Tribune

I hope our writing here at Booman Tribune keeps at least some of you sane. I know writing this stuff is kind of essential for my own sanity. It’s either write or turn everything off, cancel all my subscriptions, and hole-up in a cabin far deeper in the woods. A long, long time ago I was able to solace myself by just reading the progressive blogosphere. I needed to know there were other people out there who thought the world had gone just as insane as I thought it had. But then I noticed that I thought a good part of the blogopshere was off its damn rocker, too. That’s when I decided I needed my own blog. I think we offer a different view of progressivism, politics, and analysis than you will readily find elsewhere. Lately, you’ve seen a different take on Libya, the budget negotiations, and the importance of addressing our national debt. And I’d like to keep doing it. I try to limit my requests for donations to no more than once a month. It’s been about six weeks since I asked for your support.

One of the things I am hoping to do in the next month is upgrade my server which you probably have noticed is not working as well as it used to. I think I can actually upgrade my processing power and memory and actually lower my bill at the same time, but I need to hire a programmer to transfer everything over, and it takes quite a few man-hours to get it done. So, anything you donate this month will go first to making this place work the way it used to, with faster loading pages.

I really do appreciate the support of our readers. We couldn’t do this without you.

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