Liberals are upset with President Obama because we wish he had fought harder for our issues, not depended on Wall Street cheerleaders to form his economic team, and been the President we all dreamed he would be on Election night in 2008.

Republicans, when it comes right down to it just hate him because he’s black. Case in point (among many that could be chosen): Marilyn Davenport.

Marilyn Davenport, a Tea Party activist and member of the Orange County Republican Party’s central committee, is drawing fire from people in her own party after circulating a racist email depicting President Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees. In the email: “Now you know why — No birth certificate!”

Of course, she probably won’t resign, because after all she was only joking, just like her other Republican buddies in Orange County when they circulated racist emails.

“Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people–mostly people I didn’t think would be upset by it.” […]

Davenport defended the racist actions of two fellow Orange County conservatives. […]

[D]uring President Obama’s inauguration, when Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose forwarded an email depicting a watermelon patch on the White House lawn to several people. According to Schroeder, Davenport defended Grose amidst calls for his resignation.

…Davenport defended Newport Councilman Richard Nichols when he opposed installing grassy areas at a beach. His reason, according to the L.A. Times: “with grass we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning and they claim it as theirs, and it becomes their personal, private grounds all day.”

Here’s the image that Marilyn thought was such a gas she had to send it to all her Republican/Tea Party friends.

Maybe Fox New can restart their right wing Comedy show that failed so miserably and hire Marilyn to host it. Hey, they need something to replace Glenn Beck. Her and Ann Coulter would make a great team together, doncha think.

But seriously, though any Democrat would receive attacks from Republicans and Cracked Teapot Party members, the thing that really stokes their intense hatred of Obama comes down to racism. Pure and simple they just don’t cotton to an “articulate” Black man sitting in the Oval Office.

Oh, they’ll cheer for African Americans on their favorite sports teams, they may have an African American at their workplace with whom they are on speaking terms, but when push comes to shove these people reveal their true colors, so to speak. And its a pretty ugly shade of bigotry, prejudice and rage.

Pretty pathetic when you think about it that a woman high up in Republican circles in “white bread” Orange County can think of nothing better to do with her time than send around an email with that Chimpanzee image and that birther reference, and doesn’t give it a second thought, doesn’t even apologize for doing it, doesn’t even think its all that demeaning or offensive.

I wonder what Jimmy “the Greek” up in whatever heaven you can imagine is thinking about her right now. He was fired by CBS Sports in 1988 for stating that African Americans were better sports competitors because of how they were bred during slavery:

The black is a better athlete to begin with because he’s been bred to be that way — because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. This goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trading, the owner — the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid.

That was considered a firing offense back in the last years of Ronald Reagan’s presidency. At least Snyder never implied an African American wasn’t qualified to be President because his parents were chimpanzees. But I imagine Marilyn will manage to skate by with little damage to her career as a Republican Party official due to her racist bullshit.

This is the 21st Century after all, and we are beyond all that “politically correct” censorship that held back good white folk like Marilyn from joking around by using racial slurs and racist images to demean the President of the United States.