You know? I’m basically ready for a sickening class war assault against Republicans. Where can I sign up for that? I wonder if the Republicans really understand what a class war would look like. Maybe we could have them study the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. Forget medieval, I’d pay to see someone go all Maximilien Robespierre on their asses. Did you know people accused Robespierre of being of Irish descent? Does that ring some kind of bell?

I’m not saying the guillotine didn’t get out of hand, but at least it made the right people nervous, and for a good reason. Of course, it didn’t work. They wound up with a stumpy little dictator who restored order and forced the Pope to coronate him. I’m just saying, this country is too bored and distracted to string up rich people and take away their privileges.

“To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is barbarity.”— Maximilien Robespierre, 1794

“I think it’s a very bad thing for Cantor to have done because I’ll tell you, people love this [Birther] issue, especially in the Republican Party. And there’s something to what we’re saying.”— Donald Trump, 2011

Just sayin’…as long as we’re being “Fair and Balanced”…bring on the class war.