Progress Pond

Maybe the ACLU Ain’t So Bad

Poppy Bush wasn’t a natural culture-warrior. He started out pro-choice. His wife is still pro-choice. His daughter-in-law is pro-choice. Freaking David Souter turned out to be pro-choice. That’s why Poppy came up with weird rallying-cries, like saying his opponent was a “card-carrying member of the ACLU,” as if that were a bad thing. It’s always funny when conservatives discover that the ACLU is very interested in protecting their freedom to be intolerant assholes. They’re not sure it is really happening because they’ve convinced themselves that the ACLU is some far-left anti-Christian organization. It’s not true. The ACLU is exactly what it says it is: an organization dedicated to protecting our civil liberties, which usually translates to protecting us from the reach of government. So, if the government tries to listen to our phone calls, look in the trunk of our car, read our mail, search our computer, or arrest us for some reason, the ACLU is there to make sure that a judge thinks that they are justified. It’s a simple idea. And it extends to other things, like voting, or being able to tell the public when the government is breaking the law. Why a political party would demonize the ACLU is a mystery. Why the “party of small government” would do so is a matter for psychiatrists.

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