Booman just posted a piece about bin Laden’s (supposed) death. As if we can trust our government, our military and our media to give us the real scoop on anything.
He wrote:
I am very happy that we finally got Usama bin-Laden.
It’s tempting to gloat that it was a Democrat who finally got it done…
This is a good moment for all Americans.
I’m extremely gratified that a degree of justice has been meted out.
Tonight’s a night to just celebrate.
Celebrate now.
Before the real results are in.
The media will be force-feeding this as another “Mission Accomplished” foofaraw. Only it will be bigger than was the original because it is beginning to look like Obama might be the chosen one again in 2012 and they want to hero him up just in case any ‘a them nutball Tea Party folk might actually begin to think that they have a real chance of unseating him.
Read on.
Bin Laden.
Lemme ask you something.
Whose hands had more blood on them?
Osama or the Bush/Cheney creature?
Osama and his political/military forebears or The Nixon/Reagan/Kissinger/Bush I/Bush II/Cheney zombie?
The Islamic resistance movement that was galvanized into being by the Palestinian question or the Post-WW II Truman/Eisenhower/Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter/Reagan/Bush I/Cinton/Bush II/Obama presidential Frankenstein sew-up.
Really, folks.
Get real.
Celebrate “getting even” for 9/11?
We don’t even know if Osama was real, nor do we know if other forces…U.S., Israeli…were involved in the 9/11 horror. Whether the whole thing was some kind of a setup.
As the Guru of Defense Sri Rumsfeld once pronounced after he had been visited by the Military Angel in his cave-like bunker:
As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.
We really do not know about any of this.
But most of us here appear not to know that we don’t know.
Here’s what we do know, kiddies.. (And if you want to celebrate, the following is reason enough.):
On Sept. 11, 2001 those planes flew into the World Trade Center instead of traveling 20 miles further north and dropping on the Indian Point nuclear facility. 20 miles at jet aircraft speed. What’s that? A few minutes? Count your blessings that it was an act of political theater instead of an act of mass murder. As in millons dead, a nation totally broken and quite conceivably a massive nuclear response from the many missile subs that this nation has lying in wait at the bottom of several seas ready to rain destruction on anyone foolish enough to oppose us with real force.
Yes, political theater.
People died. I am sorry that they did. If it had all gone down in the afternoon a couple of weeks earlier I would likely have died too, because I was playing a concert on one of the outdoor balconies of the World Trade Center. So it goes as a resident of this gobbling, international kleptocratic superstate.
Gonna bogart the joint, expect some resistance.
Of course, in a perfected world none of this shit would happen.
There would be no 9/11. No Truman/Eisenhower/Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Ford/Carter/Reagan/Bush I/Cinton/Bush II monster.
No economic imperialism.
None ‘a that.
But it’s not a perfected world, and the villiains is us.
Please remember that.
Every politically aware member of the third world and every politically aware member of a minority in the U.S. is aware of that.
And yet here y’all are, dancing around the death of yet another “enemy.”
Tell you what.
He was just elevated to martyrdom in the eyes of Muslims all over the globe.
Good, bad or indifferent, this is who he has now become.
Shit gonna hit the fan even harder now.
Get your dancing over and prepare to pay.
At the pump if nowhere else.
Among other things, I think that we just lost the Middle East.
Go buy a moped.
You gonna need one.
I’m up for it.
Wake the fuck up.
If an overwhelming tsunami of hypnomedia hype pushes a story like his, it is absolutely, positively guaranteed to be full of shit on every level imaginable.
Gee…they found his birth certificate and he got bin laden.
All in the same week!!!
Whadda man!!!
Uhhh….saaaaay…didja hear that Superman just renounced his citizenship?
It’s enough t’make even a comic book character ashamed.
But…not us leftinesses.
You been had.
Bet on it.
I just went to listen to Obama’s speech on the bin Laden assassination. The first search answer came up Fox News. OK…I can deal with that. They’re just the right wing of the massive hypnomedia system. No worse, no better.
But this here Blood For Oil war within wars came right back on me.
The commercial intro to the speech? (Unavoidable…although I muted it and looked away, as is my habit.)
From ExxonMobil. Some potato-faced, white, middle class (You could tell by the button-down collar) ExxonMobil hack geologist fracking about how natural gas will save our asses.
And Obama’s subsequent mealymouthed set of half-truths and lies about the assassination? (Le’s call it what it is, please.)
The funniest part?
Where Obama said that he had (I paraphrase…I can’t bear listening again.) “contacted Pakistani leader Asif Zarda” (I think. Hard to keep up with he political hustle there.) “with the good news.” Right after he had accused bin Laden of “declaring war on Musilms” and “Killing thousands of Pakistanis” and also that bin Laden’s stronghold was on Pakistani territory.
We’re supposed to believe that Zarda didn’t know where bin Laden was living? That bin Laden was not there quite openly? That the several thousand Pakistani police and military who were undoubtedly within a few hours drive from his house were also ignorant of his presence and thus helpless to dispose of his evil influence?
All that is left of Obama is his front.
He speaks very well. But he is now all platitudes and lies.
He is talking down, down, down to the American people. And they are lapping it up, up up.
1984 is here.
And Obama is its present face.
Bet on it.
Your just upset because now Hillary can’t/won’t primary the Prez.
Not at all. I would be just as happy if Obama used this to go on a roll that caused a landslide Dem victory.
Just as happy. Which ain’t the same as very happy, mind you. Not a bit of it.
But…if I were writing this novel, I would wait until the absolute perfect moment and then resurrect bin Laden.
I mean…it’s all a sort of fiction, isn’t it? We all have to suspend our collective disbelief when consuming news stories just as we do in a movie theater or while reading a novel. “The news” has again and again been thoroughly proven to be almost totally false, right? When things get important or in any way dangerous, make that almost totally falsified.
So if that’s the case…anything can happen.
And probably will.
The Permanent Government has prevaricated and outright lied about 9/11 and its resulting WarWorld for almost 10 years now. Why would we expect anything else? Just a couple of weeks ago Hillary Clinton stood up in front of the cameras and with a perfectly straight face said “There was no blood money paid” in the case of the CIA guy who got busted in Pakistan for killing a couple of innocents and/or thieves and/or assassins. Riiiiight. Barack Obama stood up at his post-bin Laden assassination speech and with only a slightly less perfect straight face than that of Hillary Clinton (He has a little tell-tale smirk that flits across his face when he lies. Like a self-satisfied and more than slightly narcissistic little boy. Watch. Of course, lacks 30 years of practice and experience on Ms. Clinton.) and said things about the operation in Pakistan that a grade school child could tell were both contradictory and impossible. Bin Laden living in a compound the size of several McMansions for years while the Pakistani government remained unaware of that fact. The U.S. both did and did not tell the Pakistanis about bin Laden’s presence and/or the operation that supposedly killed him, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Since JFK’s tapdance around the Cuban thing the United States has given the presidency a kind of Alice In Wonderland pass on “truth.” We no longer really expect it from the White House, nor do we from the State Department, the military or most certainly the intelligence services whose very mission is based upon untruth. All for the good of the country, of course. In the name of national security.
But what has resulted from this ongoing truth drift has instead been a sort of endemic national insecurity.
Nobody really believes nuthin’.
The media?
Please squared. Cubed, even.
Based entirely on advertising.
The art of the lie.
How many times have you heard Chrysler ads saying how much better their cars have gotten over the past 30 years?
They suck!!!
And it’s good fer ya, too!!!
The United States of Credulity.
So…if it’s all fiction, why not revive Dr. Bad Guy? They did it all the time in James Bond flicks, right? Sometimes under a different name, sometimes the same fool.
Why not in this most heavily flacked of flicks?
In The United States of Suspended Disbelief, anything is possible.
Bet on it.
Basic concept?
Fiction of this sort cannot allow itself to slow down for fear of losing the audience’s attention.
It ain’t over ’til the fat lady slims down using Weight Watchers.
Which ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.
And wait.
Wait Watchers.
It’s all’s we have left to do.
Bet on that as well.