David Waldman tells us what is supposed to happen in Congress this week.
Unchastened by their angry constituents, the House GOP plan was to come back like gangbusters this week, bringing to the floor not one but two ACA repeal bills. Not one but two oil drilling free-for-all bills. And last but not least the infamous H.R. 3, hiking taxes on anyone who takes deductions for the cost of health insurance plans that cover abortion—which 87% of private plans in America do. (If you prefer getting the background on that in video format, Main Street Insider has you covered.)
It remains to be seen whether the biggest 9/12 moment ever will derail any of this. I doubt it, but it’s going to look a little petty to “respond” to the killing of Osama bin Laden with sloganeering about “Obamacare,” and yet another abortion freak-out. Don’t know yet whether it’ll temporarily delay the plans to make the first order of business for the week (well, second) naming a federal courthouse after George W. Bush.
In the Senate, another two non-controversial federal judge nominees are expected to slip through the filibuster noose. And word is that Majority Leader Harry Reid will seek to force a vote on the Ryan budget in the Senate, in retaliation for which Minority Leader (in name only) Mitch McConnell says he’ll try to force a vote on President Obama’s budget. Who knew that having a vote on a Republican budget was something the Republican “leader” felt would require retaliation?
It seems to have a pre-5/1 flavor, don’t you think? It’s like the Chandra Levy of political strategies.
Via email.
I need some help here, possibly because I’m young. What does the reference to Chandry Levy mean? I remember who she was, but I’m not making the connection.
I think it’s that everybody was obsessed with Chandra Levy and Gary Condit before 9/11/2001 and afterwards it just seemed insignificant. The world had changed and it was a new environment. I think that’s what it means.
yep. That’s what it means.