I am not the least bit surprised that Mike Huckabee isn’t running for president. I’ve been saying as much for a very long time. He likes ze money too much. Now, all of his voters will run to Rick Santorum, right? Baptist, Catholic, what’s the difference?
Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich is in, and he got invited on Meet the Press where David Gregory tried to be tough on him, but just couldn’t get it done. After the interview, Mark Halperin declared Gingrich the most underrated candidate in the race. Could be true. What’s his competition?
If you think we have it bad, have you seen this story? When the opposition to Sarkozy is under arrest in New York for raping a chambermaid, you know your country’s politics are screwed up.
What are you up to this weekend? It’s supposed to rain on us for a straight week.
Just woke up I am reading this:
Israeli-Palestinian violence This will force the issue. The Palestinians have the toughest job of all.
So…the sex thing against Julian Assange is automatically treated as bullshit by most leftinesses but this one is taken at face value? Even though if Strauss-Kahn is driven out the far-right Le Pen folks reap the most benefits in the coming French elections?
I smell honeytrap.
Why didn’t it happen in Frane?
Because the French justice system and media wouldn’t make as much noise about it.
But here? In Puritan America?
The perfect place for a sting of this sort.
Or…maybe he’s just a lecherous old fool.
The far right is rising rapidly in Europe.
They’re looking for a tipping point.
I thought they only used $3000 call girls to do that.
Yeah, the first thing I thought when I saw that he was the socialist candidate against Sarkozy was “He’s been spitzered.”
Geert Wilders “preaches” at Cornerstone Church, Nashville, TN. The Anti-Internationale rises.
Her story sounds odd. He walked out of the shower, saw the maid, and raped her? Possible, but unlikely. I reserve judgment until the trial. Do they have DNA, vaginal bruising, or anything else? We’ll see at the trial. The story could be true. Some of the politicians are megalomaniacs.
Newt’s run is going to cost the Koch brothers piggy bank a whole bunch of money to launder if they’re going to fluff him up enough to be voteable.
They can afford it.
Think of the potential profits!!!
Y’gotta understand…all of this big business/politics interface is about profit and loss. Up and down the scale. Nothing more. I truly realized this in 2000 when I was hired to play for one of the inauguration balls in Washington DC. (I’m a musician, for those of you who don’t know me.) It was a B-level affair…nobody famous, just a bunch of 30-ish/40-ish RatPub worker bees celebrating their return to power (read “profit”) in DC after 8 years of Dem rule. (Read “Dem profit”…you get the idea, right?)
They were SO happy!!! In a miserable, can’t-really-dance-because-I’m-a-square-white-RatPub-type-in-a-store-bought-suit kind of way. And drunk, besides. Sloppy drunk. Celebrating their new Toyotas-to-come. Or maybe even a Lexus!!!
You could smell the acrid stench of unbridled avarice in the room.
Well…it’s investment-in-the-future time again. A relatively short-term “future,” of course, because most corporate entities can’t look much past the next few quarters of profit and loss for fear of losing their jobs. Nothing about the future of the human race or anything…just the “Where’s the profit going to be at and how can we best get our mitts on it?” kind of future.
The Koch Bros. have their investment strategy; the Soros types have theirs, etc., etc. etc.
Who wins? Wins.
” ‘Round and ’round and ’round she goes; where she stops, nobody knows.”
Dassit, mainsailset. At least on this level, that’s it.
Evolution continues somehow. Right here amidst the blood and guts of this charnel house world.
Damned if I know how.
But I would be doubly damned to deny the truth of the matter.
Chin up, Bunky.
It’s all gonna…continue.
That’s the best that I have to offer.
Take it or leave it and then go fight the good fight.
May the best set of ideas win?
That’s how it works.
“Y’pays yer money and y’takes yer chances,” barked the old carnival hustlers.
“Y’pays yer money and y’takes yer chances.”
So do the Koches, the Soroses and all the others.
Same same.
Just different levels.
Bet on it.
I am.
Choose well.
The only real democracy.
Bet on that as well.
I refer you to my post from 2007, Watch Out For Gingrich.
I have said this before, and I am saying it again.
Read the article. It was about the 2008 election, but the basic concepts remain. The only real differences? He’s looking at Barack Obama, whose vast political talents make John Kerry look like Elmer Fudd on a bad day; the Republicans don’t have McCain to kick upstairs in the hope of some kind of miracle, and the far right is vastly stronger than it was in ’08.
But as far as shape-shifter talent is concerned?
We’ve got three real masters available.
Obama, H. Clinton and Gingrich.
The rest?
Bet on it.
A stumbling clown in an ill-fitting business suit. If he wins the nomination the only vote he’ll get is the Lawrence Welk nostalgia crew.
Are the RatPubs that dumb?
We shall see.
Soon enough.
I personally think that if Gingrich is carrying too much nasty history to actually win an election he would make a superb Cheney…the real power behind some Republican G. W. Butch lookalike puffball.
P.S. Despite what “the polls” say, I think that Obama won it with the bullet that…as we have been told so many times that it simply must be true. Right? Riiiiight…blew bin Laden away.
But…worse economic news?
A terror strike that manages to wake the soporifically hypnomedia-ed Omertican public up from its normal snooze state?
“There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip” said my wise old grandmother often enough to thoroughly brand the idea into my brain’s lurky hide.
My first thought about Huckabee not running is that this all but guarantees that Tim Pawlenty gets one of the three “magic tickets” out of Iowa.
My second thought is that Romney should skip (or all but skip) Iowa and concentrate on winning New Hampshire (and then Nevada).
As for Gingrich, I suspect that when push comes to shove (or, in the Iowa caucuses, when it comes time to stand for a candidate in one corner of a room), there will be a significant number of “social conservative” voters—many of them female—who will go for anyone (Santorum, Pawlenty, Bachmann, etc.) other than Gingrich. Their reason—which most of them would never divulge to a pollster–being that they can’t get past the way he divorced his first two wives.
That’s 100% hunch; I have no evidence to back it up. But I think there may be enough of those voters that at some point in the campaign, perhaps early, Gingrich loses his chance at one of the “magic tickets” that allows him to continue campaigning for the nomination.
I dunno, massappeal…
You write:
Think on the number of female voters who contninued to support the Kennedys after long and detailed evidence of their various phallic adventures and misadventures.
Father and a couple of sons.
Think on it.
Think on alla the females who to this day swoon over the serial adulterer Bill Clinton.
Think on the females who continued to vote for McCain fater he (literally) screwed his cancer-ridden wife. The conintued support for John “Boom Boom” Edwards after his own little adventure in cancer-free sexland.
Sorry…but there it is.
Pols get free rein in the sex department if they play it right. Which the Newt has done.
Men admire it…lots of them. Women swoon at the “virility” of it all…lots of them as well.
So it goes.
Since when is that a prerequisite for the possession of power?
Think on it.
I don’t agree with the shape shifter analogy with Obama. The man is incredibly consistent but people (mainly his opponents) keep underestimating him. They get so comfortable with his everyday self that they never prepare for when he attacks. Hillary? I haven’t followed her closely enough to say.
We want them to underestimate Obama. It’s great fun when he clobbers Republicans and the left that didn’t like him during the primaries, whines.
Hillary can’t raise the money to run.
The Repubs have to have a dandidate that can rais the money.
Gingrich won’t get the funds.
Gingrich won’t get the funds?
You’ve been talking to the Koch Bros., have you?
Y’never know…
Precisely. That’s what a shape-shifter does.
As far as his so-called “consistency” is concerned…
From left-liberal, pan-racial New American to a more effective version of G. W. Butch.
Pretty good metamorphosis, if you ask me.
Only backwards.
From butterfly to slug.
This kind of slug.
As in “right through the eye.”
Yeah….I know it’s not the real picture.
it’s just real enough to convey the message.
Bet on it.
LOOK on it.
Please take this post down!!!!!!
Can’t look at the handiwork of yer Preznit? Even if it’s just a photoshopped representation of what is undoubtedly the real thing?
Grow the fuck up.
This picture you posted is just as bad as what the anti-abortion low life sub-humans do to make their point. If this kind of thing is growing up, I’ll just skip it. AG, you are disgusting.
Just to be clear, I do not have an issue with the Navy Seals shooting UBL or anyone else in that compound in the face. They got what they deserved. I hope they track down the rest of the people listed in UBL’s diary and shoot them in the face as well. I don’t want to see a picture of that either. The image of the people jumping to their death on 911 was enough for me.
AG, I have a suggestion. Since you seem to have no bounds of decency. Why don’t you research the porn found with UBL and post some of that. Maybe we could test the limits of decency of this site.
Sir, at long last, have you no decency? And this coming from a musician? Get a grip.
You are outraged by a man’s possession of pornography? (If indeed that’s not just another plant to discredit him in the eyes of Muslims.)
You’re just another hypnomedia addict, fella.
Get a grip.
You write:
I got yer “pornography”…right there.
“They” got what “they” deserved, eh?
People object to pornography because it objectifies women…and men, too. And there you go, with your “they” shit. So if the mass media told you a thousand thousand times that Mr. So and So from Cincinnati is guilty of some form of murder, is it then alright for the local Cincinnati SWAT team to go in and blow him away? Shoot a few kids while they’re at it? No trial, no nuthin’, just “BOOM,” one in the head and two in the chest?
You up for that?
The pornography of violence.
the objectification of “the enemy.”
If bin Laden was indeed instrumental in 9/11…great, let’s have a trial and prove it. Throw him on the helicopter and put his ass in jail until trial time.
But here’s the thing, brudda.
They couldn’t risk a trial because there are too many dirty hands in this government and in the other governments and corporations that are involved in this Blood For Oil fiasco. So they offed bin Laden instead and sold it to fools like you as “justice.”
Go away.
You disgust me.
P.S. Pastor Martin Niemöller, a German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor:
Bet on it.
The rule of law is in place to prevent such progressions. And the rule of law is now thoroughly broken, replaced by the rule of hype.
You disgust me, sir.
You really do.
You and the others mindlessly dancing in the streets over a brutal and unnecessary murder.
You disgust me on the deepest level imaginable.