One probably unintended side-effect of tracking down and killing Usama bin-Laden is that Congress is getting really serious about buggering out of Afghanistan. The Democrats voted tonight 178-8 to hurry up and leave. And twenty-six Republicans agreed with them. The president wants to get out, too, but only getting eight votes from his own party to endorse his plan is a sure sign that things have turned sour.

The House on Thursday narrowly shot down an amendment to scale back military operations in Afghanistan, highlighting growing congressional opposition to the war.

In a close 204-215 vote, the House rejected a bipartisan amendment from Reps. James McGovern (D-Mass.) and Justin Amash (R-Mich.) that would have required the Department of Defense (DOD) to develop a plan for an “accelerated transition of military operations to Afghan authorities.”

When you are relying overwhelmingly on an unhinged opposition to prop up your foreign policy, you need to change course.