Today, in a speech officially announcing his candidacy for president that the cable networks couldn’t be bothered to cover in full, Mitt Romney declared that our country is inches away from no longer being a free-market economy and accused President Obama of having “failed America.”
Funny thing.
Back on November 18th, 2008, Mitt Romney wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times, in which he rather explicitly recommended that Detroit’s Big Three automakers be allowed to fail.
In fact, he made a prediction. He said that if the not-yet-inaugurated new president gave the automakers a bailout, he would be assuing their doom. Here is how Romney started his essay: “If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye.” Romney advocated a managed bankruptcy with no check from the government. In other words, despite his stated belief that this would save the auto industry, he was recommending that all of the Big Three’s assets be sold in a fire-sale and that cars be made somewhere else and that autoworkers find new jobs in the worst recession since the 1930’s.
The president did force two of the Big Three into a managed bankruptcy, but he also provided the capital Chrysler and General Motors needed to survive. Here’s how Joe Biden’s former chief of staff Ron Klain puts it:
Of all the policy challenges I saw Obama tackle in my two years in the White House, none was more complex than turning around the U.S. auto industry…
…Even the sickest of the Big Three, Chrysler, whose problems in the spring of 2009 seemed so intractable that the White House gave serious consideration to letting the company go under, posted a $116 million profit for the first quarter of this year and paid back its federal loans six years early. Perhaps most importantly, the auto industry announced in May that it has begun to hire again, a feat that would have been deemed impossible two years ago.
Mitt Romney’s father was the governor of Michigan back in the 1960’s. He was even a presidential contender until he killed his candidacy by admitting to having been “brainwashed” on Vietnam. The younger Romney was born in Michigan. But, if he had had his way we could have just shuttered the doors on the Great Lakes State and turned out the lights, because without the auto industry, Michigan wouldn’t be a state worth maintaining in the Union.
If Mitt Romney goes on to win the Republican nomination and face the president in the fall of 2012, I hope the voters of Michigan see an unending loop of that New York Times headline. “Who saved Michigan? Who wanted it to fail?”
If Mitt Romney goes on to win the Republican nomination and face the president in the fall of 2012, I hope the voters of Michigan see an unending loop of that New York Times headline. “Who saved Michigan? Who wanted it to fail?”
And it will be the ultimate political malpractice if the Obama campaign doesn’t have the ads ready for non-stop rotation in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana to hammer Romney on this if he becomes the GOP nominee.
Mitt Romney is a pathetic disgrace to his father’s honorable legacy.
Ummm! Obama also insisted on bankruptcy before helping GM.
There hasn’t been a free-market economy in this country since Hamilton. It doesn’t mean what Romney thinks it means.
BooMan, thanks so much for perfectly nailing this one. This should disqualify Romney from ever winning anything. Except perhaps the Republican Presidential Nomination. Bring him on.
W/e. Willard won’t win the nomination. Freepers will self-destruct, Michelle Malkin will bark like a chihuahua, and the ads just write themselves with his past statements.
So I’m more or less uninterested in what lies he decided to spout today. I guess the Birther issue was just too hot for him to touch, so he figured he’d go with the good ole socialist charge. Back to basics, boring as always. Mitt Romney has the charisma of a potato; Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann (or both) will kick his ass in the first primaries.
every place where GM opens up a plant, run the political ad about Romney saying let the American Auto Industry die.
Mitt’s father, George Romney, got his job as governor of Michigan because he had been the successful CEO of American Motors, turning that company around and making it sorta-profitable (largely on the success of the Rambler). AMC was bought by Chrysler, so Obama saved the vestiges of the company that Mitt’s dad once ran.
The ironies are too delicious.
Sometime, let me tell you how I owe my life to RomneyCare here in Massachusetts!