Not to open myself up for criticism, but since I’ve had a son around, I’ve begun watching some children’s programming on television. I stick pretty much exclusively with the PBS Sprout network because it has programming designed for very young children. We try to stick to limited and assigned times for this, mainly after his bath and prior to bedtime. In any case, I’ve noticed that the programming is very inclusive. For a few examples, the hosts come in all races and both genders, they teach Spanish and English words, they teach sign language, they teach yoga exercises, most of the cartoon characters have English accents, and there’s a whole show dedicated to the obviously gay Wiggles.
Basically, it strikes me as the kind of lineup that would make a “Real American’s” head explode. So, I have been wondering why PBS Sprout is getting away with this liberal, inclusive, tolerant, communist indoctrination. Well, it turns out that Sean Hannity’s got it covered.
Sean Hannity hosted a panel of “experts” on his show yesterday to discuss the ways in which Sesame Street, and more specifically Bird Bird and Elmo, are turning our nation’s children into liberal homosexuals.
I wish I were making that up.
The guy says that catering Sesame Street’s programming to blacks and Latinos is supposedly pursuing a liberal agenda. I don’t even know what that means if it isn’t straight up racism. First of all, Sesame Street has always had an urban setting and it has always had a racially diverse cast of people. It has always been inclusive and taught tolerance. But how did it become the case that these values are liberal and not conservative.
What you think about abortion and capital gains taxes and the size of the military and the United Nations and so on are the types of issues that should divide liberals from conservatives. But racial tolerance shouldn’t be a dividing line. Yet, it is.
Indeed, it is the major fault line.
As someone who has worked as a volunteer for both the National and my own (west coast) state’s Head Start associations, I can unequivocally remark that Moe Blackwell, Larry 2008 Ms, Curly Shapiro and Sean Hannity don’t have a clue. Sesame Street was initially funded by a Head Start grant and was produced by New York’s PBS affiliate. The “liberal, Hollywood, nanny state, Black/Latino conspiracy that killed Green Acres and Andy Griffith” didn’t create the homosexual inferno that is Elmo and Big Bird. Rather it was the Teletubbies, who I believe were correctly identified by the religious right as the gay offspring of Jane Fonda and George Soros.
because of my niece, Peanut, I watch a lot of children’s television- it’s the only tv we watch when she’s over at my house.
they are attacking Sesame Street, because they want to get their slams in, because, anyone who knows this pack of racists, knows that they really want to go all in on Dora, Diego, Ni-hao Kai Lan, and Yo Gabba Gabba. But, attacking them would be the obvious racist thing to do, so they attack SESAME STREET.
If you are 45 years old or younger, the likelihood that you learned how to read with the help of Sesame Street is tremendous, because there was not the plethora of children’s programming that there is now. Not in terms of programming with an educational message. It was Sesame Street and The Electric Company when I was a kid. that was it. I enjoyed Bozo the Clown, and the rest of ‘ kids’ programming was straight cartoons.
so, they look like the assclowns that they are.
as for the channels that we watch, I subscribe BabyFirstTV from DirectTV for her, and at home, she watches NickJr, which is how I learned about the programs on that channel. The newest one she’s watching is from PBS – Super Why . I think, outside of liking the stories, she also likes that one of the heroes of the show is a Black Princess -she’s going through a Princess phase right now. of all the kid’s programming, the only ones that I don’t like are Blue’s Clues (like watching paint dry, it’s so slow), and Yo Gabba Gabba (I simply don’t understand the appeal, but she’s crazy about it).
I really, truly, honestly, revile and despise excessive, unneeded, and unwarranted verbiage.
Conservatives Hate Children.
But only after they’ve been born…
I really don’t think they care much for them before they’re born, either. Ergo attacks on women’s health providers, for example. Actual fetuses are immaterial. If they’re children, they’re like any other: irrelevant. It’s about victimizing & controlling women.
In this case, it’s about controlling media, the elimination of public media. The gay thing is just convenient.
Why, the world was created for the white, western European male and everything else exists to support his every whim.
Conserve the exclusive privileges of the tribe or include others into the privileges of the tribe – that is the dividing line, and always has been.
Ok, that picture was way smaller when I retrieved it. Sorry, everyone.
Ernie and Bert indoctrinated me and made me gay. Really, I swear. I’ve noticed that gay friends of mine growing up were profoundly influenced by them as well.
Then once, while visiting Amsterdam, I was wandering through a toy store after visiting a coffeeshop and found that Ernie and Bert were so much more popular there than they are here. They were bigger than Elmo, even. I asked someone why and they explained to me that Ernie and Bert are the gay married couple and people find them quite entertaining. You know, the way they bicker and finish each others’ sentences and stuff. I finally got it.
Ernie and Bert recruit innocent young boys and make them gay!
Yeah, that’s it.
Right. & before TV there was the Lone Ranger & Tonto.
It is Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox antisemitic Jew who believes we should be wiretapping Mosques and criminalizing pornography.
He just came out with this doozy in late May: