Not to open myself up for criticism, but since I’ve had a son around, I’ve begun watching some children’s programming on television. I stick pretty much exclusively with the PBS Sprout network because it has programming designed for very young children. We try to stick to limited and assigned times for this, mainly after his bath and prior to bedtime. In any case, I’ve noticed that the programming is very inclusive. For a few examples, the hosts come in all races and both genders, they teach Spanish and English words, they teach sign language, they teach yoga exercises, most of the cartoon characters have English accents, and there’s a whole show dedicated to the obviously gay Wiggles.

Basically, it strikes me as the kind of lineup that would make a “Real American’s” head explode. So, I have been wondering why PBS Sprout is getting away with this liberal, inclusive, tolerant, communist indoctrination. Well, it turns out that Sean Hannity’s got it covered.

Sean Hannity hosted a panel of “experts” on his show yesterday to discuss the ways in which Sesame Street, and more specifically Bird Bird and Elmo, are turning our nation’s children into liberal homosexuals.

I wish I were making that up.

The guy says that catering Sesame Street’s programming to blacks and Latinos is supposedly pursuing a liberal agenda. I don’t even know what that means if it isn’t straight up racism. First of all, Sesame Street has always had an urban setting and it has always had a racially diverse cast of people. It has always been inclusive and taught tolerance. But how did it become the case that these values are liberal and not conservative.

What you think about abortion and capital gains taxes and the size of the military and the United Nations and so on are the types of issues that should divide liberals from conservatives. But racial tolerance shouldn’t be a dividing line. Yet, it is.