Now that Newt looks to be on his last legs and Mitt is — well — Mitt, we need a Republican Candidate with the connections and the vision to move this Nation forward. A candidate who is willing to think outside the box to save our nation from the many crises afflicting it. In short we need the Man behind this stroke of genius to join the Republican rodeo:

[O]n August 6, thousands will gather to Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, to pray for a historic breakthrough for our country and a renewed sense of moral purpose. We want the presence, power, and person of Christ to fill our nation and turn the hearts of millions to righteousness, peace, and joy in Him. We want the blessing and favor of a Holy God who loves righteousness and wants to see righteousness exalt a nation in our generation. We want to see real change across our nation that only our God can perform. Will you join us in Houston? Will you pray, fast, and believe with us for a mighty move of God in our nation again?

There is hope for America. It lies in heaven, and we will find it on our knees.

I have to say that, based on the leadership he’s shown in promoting this event, Perry’s not your usual policy wonk. Furthermore, I bet the Tea Party would love him!

And I say that speaking as someone who knows Republicans.