It’s amazing and depressing to me to see just how much damage the five-man conservative majority on the Supreme Court is doing to the country. This time, they’ve decided that you can’t hold someone criminally liable for making materially false statements on financial documents if they are working for a corporation when they make those false statements. In a 5-4 decision authored by the genius Clarence Thomas, the Court ruled that only the corporation can be held liable and not the criminals and fraudsters employed by the corporation.
Justice Thomas acknowledged that the plaintiffs “persuasively argue that investment advisers exercise significant influence over their client funds.” But, he went on, “corporate formalities were observed” and the fund and its adviser “remain legally separate entities.”
Though the decision concerned investment advisers, its logic applies to bankers, lawyers, accountants and others who help prepare disclosure documents.
I don’t even see why corporations should want this ruling. It only encourages their employees to violate the law. I guess it just shows how mercenary corporate America has become. These CEO’s don’t stick around long enough in any one place for them to care about criminal liability for their corporation. They just want to be immune from prosecution when they steal.
you want logic from the Court’s Bought-off MUTE?
you’re expecting too much, BooMan
It’s much worse than that. There’s a whole science to corporations determining the cost/benefit analysis of breaking the law. It’s an entirely amoral calculation, based solely on whether the company will make more money, in the long run, by breaking the law even if it is caught.
Since the financial penalties are laughably low in most cases compared to the rewards (guess who wrote the laws?), the only other real check on such behavior is holding individuals personally accountable. SCOTUS just removed that check. Corporations will love this ruling.
I had some experience with a European cement company that operates here in the USA. They had a line item in their budget for compliance violation fines. They just built it in, like any other expense. Assholes.
It is actually relatively chep to become a corporation, at least in PA. I believe the fee to become a LLC is about $600.00.
that’s a small price to pay to cheat on my taxes. “Your honor, i was working for a corporation. That is, myself.”
I’m gonna see how this works out when I pay my taxes. I do a bit of freelancing, and can deduct various expenses.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
At least the mendacious majority is being right up front about their true agenda, which has nothing whatever to do with justice or law. “Corporate formalities were observed”, which means any legal restraint is null and void. Law in America is only there so patent vultures and foreclosure hyenas can get their private laws enforced at taxpayer expense.
Ready to dump the Constitution yet? How dysfunctional does it have to get?
Thomas, Scalia, Kennedy, Alito, Roberts
I thought Kennedy was supposed to retire during this term. How old is he?
Unfortunately Ginsburg is the oldest current member of the court. Kennedy is around 75, I think.
I wonder if any other country has a high court that’s the subject of a constant political death watch? Most barbaric thing imaginable. Yet another fail by our revered founders. Time to get out from under their thumb.
List of Justices of the Supreme Court
Ginsberg 1933–
Scalia 1936–
Kennedy 1936–
Breyer 1938–
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."