I’m relieved that O.J. Simpson has apparently decided to confess that he killed his wife Nicole and Ron Goldman. The evidence was always overwhelming, but some of the details were unknowable. It’s been a long time since I focused on any of the facts in the case. But one of the curious aspects to it was how exactly Mr. Goldman arrived on the scene and why he became a victim. What I remember is that Ms. Simpson had been out at a restaurant in Brentwood where Goldman was working, and she had left her glasses there by accident. After Goldman got off work, he took the glasses over to her residence as a favor, and somehow got involved in the altercation.

According to Mr. Simpson, he had apparently showed up at the restaurant as well, which is a new fact that I find extremely surprising because it’s hard to believe that no one noticed him there.

The former couple had got into an argument after Nicole was said to have snubber [sic] Simpson when he interrupted a meal she was having at a restaurant with their children.

‘O.J. said he went home and kept getting angrier and angrier and worked himself into an absolute rage,’ the source told the Enquirer.

Simpson allegedly told the producer he ‘didn’t like the way she treated me in front of the kids at the restaurant. I didn’t like that she was routinely having guys have sex with her at her condo with the kids there.

‘I went over there to give her a piece of my mind,’ he was quoted as saying.

After pounding on the door, according to Mr. Simpson, his ex-wife answered it but was wielding a knife and acting aggressively. He disarmed her and then murdered her (in self-defense, he claims). Mr. Goldman happened along after Nicole was already dead and saw her body. O.J. says that he attacked him, too, and was also killed in self-defense.

I don’t buy this self-defense argument, but I assume the basic chronology of events is probably accurate.

This was my old pizza delivery neighborhood, and I always took a special interest in the case because I had lived there just a couple of years prior to the murders. I always thought that Goldman was already there when O.J. showed up and that his presence may have been what set him off in a murderous rage, but I wondered why Mr. Simpson decided to drive over there in the first place.

I’ll have to go back and research a couple of things to see how plausible this account really is. Again, the most remarkable thing about it for me is the news that O.J. saw Nicole earlier in the night at the restaurant. I do not remember that ever being noted during the case, but then maybe I am just forgetful.