Everybody wants to emulate Saul Alinsky. First we had Markos updating Alinsky’s work for the digital age. Then we had Dick Friggin’ Armey teaching Alinksy to the nutty teabaggers.

Pennsylvania, a perennial swing state, was an early breeding ground for the Tea Party movement. In April 2009, Anastasia Przybylski, a mother in Bucks County, was inspired to hold a “roast the pork” protest against the federal stimulus bill at the site where George Washington rallied his troops before crossing the Delaware to attack British forces. Ms. Przybylski and her co-organizers sent the information about the event to FreedomWorks, the Washington powerhouse led by Dick Armey, the former House Republican leader, which was trying to publicize Tea Party events across the country. Soon, FreedomWorks had enough contacts in the state that it held training sessions for Pennsylvania Tea Party activists.

FreedomWorks encouraged its trainees to learn from the teachings of Saul Alinsky, the father of modern community organizing and a hero of the left. They advocated a high pressure, win-at-any-cost approach, advising activists to use ridicule, agitate and disrupt to get what they wanted.

So, no, the eruption of disorderly town hall meetings in August 2009 was not spontaneous. It was, however, very effective. Maybe Alinsky knew something about organizing?

However, they elected a bunch of amateurs who believe their own propaganda. For the libertarians in the group, I advise you to take a long look at how Ron Paul is treated by the Republican Party. That’s how you are going to be treated. You will never be welcome.