Glenn Beck poisons our national discourse with an unending stream of lies and paranoia. That’s why he has to travel with a security team. That’s why he and his family are not welcome in Bryant Park in New York City. He seems to think that he can make himself insanely rich by virtue of shameless demagoguery and hatred in a horrible economy where people are struggling to stay in their homes and find jobs to feed their kids, and he can do it with complete impunity. There are literally millions of people who would like to give a piece of their mind to Glenn Beck. People he’s called traitors. People he’s accused of being communists or fascists. People whose religious beliefs or lack thereof he has denigrated. People who have a healthy respect for the truth and resent well-paid liars. The list is long.

Glenn Beck forfeited the right to take his family out in public without fear of harassment. Like any other citizen, he should not be assaulted, but people have a First Amendment right to tell him off to his face and in front of his wife and kids. Should I ever encounter him in public, I would certainly have a couple of things to say to him.

I hope all the money is worth it.