At this point the Republicans are basically a parody of a political party. They’d be funny as a Monty Python sketch, but they’re so dysfunctional that it’s impossible to deal with them. I don’t even care that they didn’t like being compared unfavorably to the president’s daughters, who actually do their homework and pass it in on time (how about Obama letting us in on his secret?). But their foot-stomping is ridiculous. My expectations for House Republicans is set very close to zero, but the Senate is supposed to be at least tenuously tethered to reality. Our whole system is predicated on senators being the grown-ups who don’t twist and turn with every political wind. Well, you can forget about that.

The Republicans were stung by Obama’s Wednesday press conference, when he unfavorably compared GOP lawmakers to his school-age daughters, who he said get their homework done on time.

In response, Republicans blocked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) request to bring legislation authorizing U.S. military action against Libya to the floor, and walked out of a planned markup of legislation implementing a free-trade agreement with South Korea.

They also mocked and scolded the president for his leadership record and his call for them to get to work.

You read that right. The Republicans have been demanding a vote on the free trade agreements for months, threatening to block everything if they don’t get their votes. But now they’re blocking the mark-up of the goddamned South Korean one because their feelings are hurt. These are U.S. Senators.

This isn’t a political party. It’s a loony-bin, a train-wreck, a compete and utter disaster for the country. How are they going to get their shit together in the one month they have remaining before we default on our debts?

At some point, they have to realize that they’re screwed and they can’t fulfill their promises to the teabaggers. Right?