I’ve been perusing the articles at Daily Kos and Think Progress tonight, and it’s really an all-out assault on the senses. So far, I’ve seen Michele Bachmann call for higher taxes on the poor, the Heritage Foundation tell me that poor people have cable tv and microwaves so they’re not really poor, Rush Limbaugh accuse the government of pushing the Heat Index on us to convince us it’s hotter than it really is, Republican Senator Richard Shelby promise to filibuster the nominee to head the Consumer Finance Protection Board, and Fox News saying that birth control is a liberal plot to eradicate the poor.
This party is a non-stop piss-on-your-leg-and-tell-you-that-it’s-raining party.
Up is down; black is white. Everything that comes out of their mouths is a lie. It’s unbelievable. They have no shame.
Let’s review. Poor people don’t really exist, but they should pay more taxes, and, in any case, liberals are trying to kill them. Also, it’s not that hot out. And women should stop using birth control so that they can have more responsible sex.
Are you all clear on that?
And, don’t let me forget, no one will head the CFPB until the CFPB is destroyed.
You’re not poor unless you’re starving. If you’re homeless you might be poor, but you also deserve it because you’re a parasite.
You know what’s hilarious about this discussion? I constantly see people telling me that people who make $250,000 a year aren’t “rich,” and coincidentally they’re the same people who tell me that people at the poverty line aren’t “poor.”
And, don’t let me forget, no one will head the CFPB until the CFPB is destroyed.
Does the President understand this? And if so, why doesn’t he recess appoint someone?
Brilliant – you take all the Republican nonsense that Booman recited and somehow find a way to blame the President with it. Just brilliant.
I thought I read somewhere that the Repubs are not allowing the body to recess particuarly to hinder Obama from recess appointments.
House Republicans’ Solution to Recess Appointments? No Recess
Because Congress refuses to recess.
Funny thing about the CFPB. They are soliciting public input for revision of the mortgage lending forms.
Here is the site:
Know Before You Owe
and they are using sophisticated web analytic technology to accomplish the job (a report form called “heat maps”).
The computers are working. And gathering information to write regulations.
Looks like Elizabeth Warren created an agency that could run without her as director. How refreshing to see careerism not lead to administration.
Rush Limbaugh’s heat index rant is one of those critical moments where he might have startled some listeners to WAKE THE FUCK UP! It is remotely possible that some Ditto-heads never spend enough time outdoors to feel the difference between 100º (too damn hot) and 116º (too damn hot & humid to breathe) but I bet most of them can before the AC kicks into effectiveness in their cars after a day in their cubicles. Then to insist that this ALWAYS HAPPENS, that it HAPPENS EVERY YEAR requires a level of memory alteration that is tricky to achieve.
I live out here in redneck farmer country and everyone is talking about how five years ago it didn’t hit 90º until late June and this year it zoomed up there at the end of April and has been unrelenting. I mean when the idea of a “break in the heat wave” is 88º even stupid old people say, “Ya’know there could be somethin’ to this global warmin’ crap…”
it really has been nutso…teh Rush Limbaugh stuff is simply laughable.
and on top of that the president is trying to push an all-cuts/maybe some revenue through congress. from what I’ve read about it, the dems in the senate don’t like it, and the WH is denying that there’s a deal like that. Also, too, the Norquist two-step.
But still, it just adds to the crazytown.
“This party is a non-stop piss-on-your-leg-and-tell-you-that-it’s-raining party.”
You’re giving them too much credit for even making a basic level of sense. Today’s GOP is here to piss on your leg and tell you it’s Thursday. And while you’re scratching your head trying to parse that one, BAM! they steal your kidney.
A distinct point was raised at Think Progress re: the nominations. Since the GOP is going to block anyone, why should they bother to stay silent? It is doing massive damage to their reputation to be sequestered, meat behind closed doors and not fight back.
Politics fail again.