Anders Behring Breivik announced assault in a manifesto and YouTube video
TV2 Norway have said that the video below, uploaded on July 22, contains what could be a manifesto for the Norwegian suspect Anders Behring Breivik. Below it is the document manifesto, running to over 1,500 pages, that is said to go with the video. The YouTube user “BerwickAndrew” appears to be an anglicised version of Breivik’s own name.
PLEASE NOTE: The video and document contain content that is extremely racist.
Here is a link to the video, but be advised it does contain racist language.
The patch reads as follows:
Norway Marxist Hunter – Multiculti Traitor Hunting PermitA European Declaration of Independence [docx]
Insight on manifesto in comments by RandyH can be found here and here.
Warning about the document: it takes forevvver to open since the document is over 1500 pages long. I am using OpenOffice but it should open using Word as well.
The first of the modern age crusaders to counterattack the invading hordes of Muslims in Western “civilization.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Witnesses to the massacre reported a second gunman. From his manifesto, he explains the founding of modern Templar Knights in London in 2002. The purpose is a political goal and rid Europe of Muslims through upheaval, assassinations and mass destruction.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Mondoweiss must include hatred for Marxist and Socialist ideology, Liberals as well.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
In video he uses the following quote:
“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.
The more politically active black students. The foreign students.
The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”
Quote from Obama’s ‘Dreams of My Father’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It is rapidly becoming clear that this man is simply a total narcissist. His steroid and body beautiful thing, his desire to celebrate approaching “martyrdom” with a bottle of expensive wine and a couple of “high-class model whores”, his ongoing residence with his mother, his obsessive avoidance of female companionship whose attentions are not bought and are thus totally approving of him for whatever time his money provides, his posing for pictures of himself in elaborate costumes, his equally obsessive (and almost totally stolen from Theodore Kacyznski) “manifesto”, his hatred for homsexuals although he certainly fits into the definition of one kind of serious closet case…he’s simply another nutter, although a relatively intelligent one.
He’s not a “Marxist Hunter,” he just hates everything that’s not him.
Put him away somewhere and fuggedaboudit, Norway.
He’s nothing except crazy.
It ain’t about politics or race or culture. It’s just about insanity.
Bet on it.
Is part of politics. You made an excellent description of his character and personality. Insanity or `nuttiness’ is an illness where people become disfunctional in normal life. This guy is very intelligent and was influenced by politics and rhetoric since the attacks of 11 sept. 2001. Although parts of his writings were plagiarized, it appears he was part of a group. In London and some countries they are investigating possible contacts and members.
Pamela Geller?
Geert Wilders?
Bet on it!
(NY Times) – In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik … he had closely followed the acrimonious American debate over Islam. His manifesto, which denounced Norwegian politicians as failing to defend the country from Islamic influence, quoted Robert Spencer, who operates the Jihad Watch Web site, 64 times, and cited other Western writers who shared his view that Muslim immigrants pose a grave danger to Western culture.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I just want to add to this…he is a video game and violent TV show freak.
Uncountable hours spent playing violent video games and watching gore-ridden TV shows prepared him…tranced him, actually, hypnotized him…into being able to kill up close and personal with no remorse whatsoever. Blood spurting, screams of fear, agony and death? No matter. He’s seen it all thousands of times. It’s not “real;” it’s just what has to happen so that the hero can eventually be acclaimed triumphant. And make no mistake…he really believes that he is a hero and that he will be seen as such no matter what dues he must pay for such a privilege..
There are hints in some of the press that he was somehow brainwashed.”
They don’t have a clue.
Yes, he was brainwashed, as are we all. By the media and by the culture. He was just a more susceptible subject than are most of us.
Some of you wonder at my ongoing war with the media and the culture that they produce?
There’ll be more Breiviks.
It’s getting close to the now-or-never stage.
When will you see what is happening?
Wake the fuck up.
Step away from the TV…from the entire corporate culture…with your brains in the air.
I dare ya.
Station WTFU signing off.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."