I know, it’s shocking that the Norway shooter wasn’t an agnostic, wasn’t a liberal, and wasn’t a Muslim. Nope, he was a racist, fundamentalist Christian. Maybe we should wage a war on them? It wouldn’t be that expensive.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Yep … with fondness of Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Geert Wilders. Just add islamophobic and hatred for liberals and the left as witnessed in killing spree of youth at the Labour Party camp on Utøya island. Even had written his right-wing view of President Obama.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Boy, if only someone would do a thorough study and publish a report about the serious dangers of racist, right wing fundamentalist terrorists. It sure is a shame that no one has done that.
I’m trying to recall when the last random mass killing like this was done by an atheist. They are supposed to be so amoral, shrill, strident and angry, you know. Anyone who is willing to believe that there are supernatural entities who side with particular viewpoints and can effect changes in the physical world is already primed and positioned for acceptance of an extremist and violent view.
Boy, if only someone would do a thorough study and publish a report about the serious dangers of racist, right wing fundamentalist terrorists. It sure is a shame that no one has done that.
You are being sarcastic, right? Given the DHS report that was put out then retracted because the usual suspects pissed their pants.
Yes, Calvin, I was being sarcastic. Kind of ironic, isn’t it, how that report that caused such a defensive kerfuffle among the right-wing crazies in this country seems to be so relevant time and again. On the off chance that you are not a consumer of RW media (sarcasm again, btw), this dude in Norway was supposedly driven to it by the “liberal, socialist policies” in Norway.
After all, what other choice does an angry, right-wing Christian nut-job have but to teach the liberals a lesson by killing their kids.
All in good fun, right?? Especially in the good old U-S of A.
Are you suggesting drone strikes on Bob Jones University?
They already are mindless drones so the drone might get confused.
We did. It was called the civil war.
Totally painless, that one. No harm done. And a DAMN good example of what a compromising, bipartisan approach can accomplish.
Lincoln didn’t give a shit about political considerations when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. He freed all the slaves! Oh wait, what… he excluded northern slave states. Well atleast he did on day one! Oh wait, what… he waited two years and wait until after the midterms. Well at least the war was being fought to end slavery! Oh wait, what… he said he would allow slavery to continue if he could keep the union together.
Fucking Lincoln. He’s worse than Obama.
Not to mention the 39 indians (one by mistake) he had hanged for the purpose of winning elected office.
I’ve been reading about this guy Anders Behring Breivik in the Norwegian press all morning. The translations aren’t always that good but he comes across as a modern-day neo-nazi (or perhaps our better educated neo-con variety of the same thing,)as we know them here. Like the guys who set up camp in rural Idaho, etc. But much better educated. A right-wing separatist or right-wing nationalist. Unlike our Cons, he seemed able to recognize and respect his ideological opponents’ rhetorical strengths and admire their ability to organize, etc. He seemed quite active in trying to build the Right-wing movement in the Scandinavian countries as of a couple years ago. He would probably even make a decent writer at The National Review. His English is good and he would fit in fine with the bedwetters (who see themselves as tough guys) over there.
He was very recently active in a Swedish neo-nazi website where they discussed the fertilizer bomb plot, (but not the specifics of when or where.) He also owned a farm so the fertilizer supplier thought nothing of delivering 6 tons of fertilizer to him. He considered himself a “counter-jihadist” and felt that the Left’s tolerance of Islam would destroy the purity of Norway and all of Europe. Very extreme, incorrect views about Islamic beliefs and motives. He believed they would take over if not forcibly removed. He recommended some books. One of them was “Defeating Eurabia” and this is the Pam Geller connection. He referred people to her review of the book.
This was entirely politically motivated. He targeted the Labour government and the Labour-Party-run summer camp as he saw them as naive Liberals who were blind to The Great Muslim Threat and in need of a wake-up call.
Here is a particularly good article about him. The similarities between our right-wing nuts and theirs are uncanny. Even the rhetoric directed toward the other side is the same. (Secular Humanists, Socialists, Marxists, Multicuturalists, Liberal Elite…) sound familiar?
I can’t quite understand how killing your countrymen lessens the threat against them. Aside of maybe that they’re dead, so they’re safer .. ?
Any logic and/or intelligence at work here is completely FUBAR even on its own terms.
Because you’re eliminating the threat to the nation that they pose. Perfectly logical once the premises are accepted. The neo-nazi/christianist/jingoists are always quite choosy about which of their fellow nationals/religionists, etc are to be saved or sacrificed. Pretty much the same logic that happened to the Rosenbergs, for example.
Yes. That’s the magic key: once the premises are accepted.
Easy to understand that insanity has its own logic. I suppose it’s still logic, even though it’s bonkers.
For me it’s like trying to get into the mind of a parasitic insect. Difficult to fathom, unless you’re a parasitic insect.
He sees the Labour Party as Liberal / Pro-multiculturalism. In his manifesto (warning: 1500+ page doc file) he considers this to be included in the “Category 1, 2 or 3 of Traitors.” Those are the people, in his mind, who created the mess of multiculturalism by allowing Muslim immigrants into the country, making it less pure. In his mind, they are the enemy to be fought against. Their movement knows that it would be a PR disaster to go after the Muslims because then they would look like racists. But to go after “Social Marxists” who all should have been lynched after WWII (his belief, not mine) is the correct target if they are to succeed in declaring their independence from this big problem of multiculturalism which will overtake “his” proud kingdom soon and he will be in the resentful minority. But he insists he’s not racist, of course.
Apparently, according to the manifesto, these 3 top categories of Social Marxist Traitors are expendible in this civil war and after the Conservatives “win” the civil war in the year 2083, some of them may be pardoned if they renounce their allegiance to Social Marxist multicultural ideas. This, of course, is after they deport (or somehow dispose of) all of the Muslims and other non-Vikings and they have a pure country again.
Sound familiar?
Where in history have we seen this before?
Where do we see it now in America? (hint: Brown people)
Ah! that pure country that spread its seed so wide and far through raping and pillaging. Even it seems some raids on Vandal-controlled Tripolitania.
If they ever met a pure Aryan, they would lynch them as being “multicultural”.
A question about this guy. Did he ever work for the government and get fired? Or is he a lineal descendant of Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling? Or one of his collaborators.
He never worked for the government as far as I can tell. Was well educated and did IT outsourcing (where he made big bucks to fund his “project”) and sales. Not sure yet about his descendancy but he was inspired to join this movement by the Bosnia Serbia stuff of the 90’s. Probably sees Milosevic as a hero because he was just trying to deport the Muslims but couldn’t figure out where to send them so he resorted to “ethnic cleansing.” After all, he had no choice so he can’t be blamed and called evil, right? This is the same way he justifies the Holocaust, which was unfortunate he says, because he thinks his movement’s biggest allies are the likud party, etc so he loves them Jews but wants them in their own country. So who could blame Hitler? He wanted to deport them, his heart was in the right place, right? He was desperate after all. No place to send them, losing ground in a war. Just get rid of them somehow…
INSANE! This guy fell for the worst cult propaganda ever. It really surprises me because he is very very smart.
But we’ve got, and always have had the same kind of cults here in the U.S. We need to watch out for these folks. What really shocks me is that he’s using ALL of the same rhetoric that our domestic propagandists on radio and TV use every single day when talking about Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants of color, etc. It’s identical. The whole “Politically Correct” enemy argument.
Who was it who said pure evil is banal?
I don’t know who said that.
BUT I hope this guy is ass-raped at least twice daily by the Islamofascist gang members that he says are clogging up the Norwegian prison system. It’s the least they could do for such a nice, proud, kind-hearted pretty-boy Viking. After all, he’ll only be in jail for like a maximum of like 21 years after killing over 90 people in cold blood. He’ll be out in time to prepare for the next stage of the “civil war” and maybe even lead the big Conservative “revolution.”
The guy is fucking NUTS. I’m not a fan of the death penalty but maybe just this once…
Hannah Arendt.
Very interesting. Globalization of hate speech. Did you run across anything he said about Finland, the growth of a right wing group there the True Finn Party (which wants mandatory Swedish in schools abolished)? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Finns
The first of the modern age crusaders to counterattack the invading hordes of Muslims in Western “civilization.” Includes a threat to POTUS Barack Obama.
Assassins Creed Templar Knights
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This Norway shooter is just a baby killer. Appears maybe 80 families lost a child.
You got it.
Every reference to him should be, ‘Anders, baby killer’, just like every reference to Tim McVeigh should be, ‘Tim, baby killer’.
That is what they are.
But wait, there’s more. Apparently he’s been working on this plot for 80 days and left a detailed 1500-page manifesto and a series of YouTube videos. His last update was yesterday, they say. Plot to take down the government, apparently?
Still reading about it. Not much to add yet.
Can’t find the manifesto/diary yet but someone found the video that had been taken down and reposted it. It can be seen Here. Apparently he made the video himself and he can be seen in the last few scenes of the video. It is a series of hard-to-read slides and pictures set to “scary” islamic music. Kind of like an RNC scare ad that would get run at election time. In fact I seem to remember David Horowitz making something similar a while back.
A very disturbing movement. Sort of a copy of our crazy right-wing movement with the same propaganda materials, complete with the “multiculti Traitor Hunting Permit,” etc.
They seem to believe that at the end of WWII in 1945, The Soviet Union forced this secular multiculturalism on them and declared Nationalism to be evil. And since 1968 they have been and will continue to be involved in “civil war” with the muliculuralist social-Marxists and Islamic invaders until the year 2083 when they will declare a European Declaration of Independence (from said traitors.) They claim to have several “cells” of “Patriots” scattered throughout Europe and this is their first big successful attack.
Crazy shit. But no crazier than our Neo-Nazi-esque Nationalists that are all over the place here. Some more extreme than others, but they definitely exist and they use almost the exact same formula of PR strategies. Then some of their crazier followers (like this guy) take it a bit too seriously.
My new diary with some revealing stuff :: Anders Behring Breivik – A Marxist Hunter + His Manifest
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’ve been skimming his manifesto for a while now and it’s amazing how similar his world view is to what Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, etc. preach non-stop, day after day. The obsession with “Political Correctness” and such. He’s all about purity of the races but he’s no racist, you know. He doesn’t deny the holocaust but he justifies it in his own way. And he claims Jews are their greatest ally. He’s not anti-gay, as long as they live in the closet and don’t expect “special rights.”
I’ve heard all of this shit before.
I have written an article around this idea here… Dr. Strangelove, I presume?
Read it if you so desire.
Thats pretty risky. Republicans would consider it a war on Christmas.
I’ve noticed plenty of misinformation being spread about this terrorist already by our own conservative fascists… Imagine that! So here are some things I’ve learned about him that might set some of the record straight. Some good – some bad, but let’s try to understand him better.
I may think of more but that’s it for now. It just pisses me off when I go look at conservative sites and they’re all defensive, calling him some “Liberal Fascist/Nazi” and wiping their hands clean when his primary political beliefs are the same as theirs: HATE of the Other/Foreigner/etc.
Damn. I never write diaries but maybe this should have been one. So much to say…
thanks for researching and reporting this. do put it in a diary
He also hates feminists, and believes birth control, abortion and women getting PhD’s should be illegal.
really? He said that about doctorate degrees for women?
Sorry, not make it illegal, but encourage against it:
He just wants to match the fertility rate of Muslim-Europeans. So he went and killed 90 Norwegians, few if any of whom were Muslims. Brilliant.
It’s very reminiscent of why the Protestants and religious right started to oppose abortion in the first place (TEH CATHOLICS ARE TAKING OVER!!!!)
Here’s what he said about women, in full:
Jennifer isn’t just wrong, she and the Post are willfully hostile to their readership. Rubin and Hiatt are motherfucking awful people.