It’s easy to forget that Herman Cain is running for president, and his strange apology to Muslim-Americans makes me wonder about his sanity. First he went around running his mouth about how we all ought to have the right to ban mosques, and then he turns around and says this?

“While I stand by my opposition to the interference of shariah law into the American legal system, I remain humble and contrite for any statements I have made that might have caused offense to Muslim Americans and their friends,” he said in the statement. “I am truly sorry for any comments that may have betrayed my commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the freedom of religion guaranteed by it.”

First of all, can we all agree that the words ‘might’ and ‘may’ need to be excised from all apologies? They always sour otherwise decent efforts to take responsibility for being an a-hole.

Secondly, don’t you have to read the Constitution to have some commitment to it? It’s the first amendment, too, so it’s not like it exceeds Mr. Cain’s three-page limit. Did Cain actually not know that it would violate the First Amendment to make a law pertaining only to Islam?

Ah, who the hell cares? He’s just another symptom of the viral stupidity that has infected our country. I still blame John McCain.