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Neo-fascists and Breivik Under Cloak of Catholicism [Update]

Just before his assault in Oslo, Breivik sent an email message to 1002 addresses in Europe. The opening reads:

The adresses have become public to the embarrassment of many. Three addresses in the Netherlands belong to bloggers for a website called “Catholica.” Outside comments and pressure just led to the resignation of lead editor Erik van Goor. The blog has been under suspicion for right-wing neo-fascism and last year’s article explains why …

Is a Catholic magazine “Catholica”cover for the extreme right? [Google translation]

Since the appointment of Erik van Goor editor and editor Tom Zwitser is the Orthodox publication by extreme statements, polarization, toughened frameworks and often little Catholic mercy is shown. But has the magazine an ‘extreme right’ edge?

What is Catholica?
Catholica is a publication of the Foundation and the Foundation Faith Church and IKI (International Catholic Information Office). It is published ten times per year and has a circulation of 2,000 copies. Since early this year Erik van Goor (41, editor, Zwolle) and Tom Zwitser (31, editor, Groningen) are at the helm. Before they took over Catholica, the duo worked together on Bitter Lemon / Nucleus and the now-defunct website Open Orthodoxy .

Who are Erik van Goor and Tom Swiss?
Both Van Goor and Swiss are neo-catholics. Van Goor performed at Christmas 2009 to join the Catholic Church. Open Orthodoxy states that Van Goor, “except for a few years studying history and philosophy,is largely auto-didact”. He is “the initiator of (formerly Open Orthodoxy), writer, philosopher and house paleo-conservative”.

Update [2011-07-30 13:26 PM EST by Oui]:

Massacre born of ideology or faith?

From his own writings, Breivik has no partnership with Jesus or God. He opposes hate doctrine of Nazi Germany and Islam. He needs religion of the Christian, Catholic and Jewish faith to unite Europe that leads to the third expulsion of all Muslims. The doctrine of “love” of a Judeo-Christian culture in Europe …

Massacre born of ideology or faith?

Typical Norwegian: Nominal Christian?

In a blog post on religion he states:

    “Today’s Protestant church is a joke. Priests in jeans marching for Palestine and churches looking like small shopping centres. I am for an indirect collective conversion from the Protestant church to the Catholic Church. In the meantime, I vote for the most conservative candidates in church elections. The only thing that might save the Protestant church is to go back to basics.”
    (Posted 2009-12-09 17:14:41 on a fairly right wing conservative web site.)

The 1500+ page manifesto tells of a young man with fantasies of knights and crusades to defend what he considers the true European culture. Mr. Breivik also belongs to the Free Masons (first grade) and describes himself as a Justiciar Knight in his new movement, which he claims is international – and which borrows from old Norse religion:

    “If you want to fight for the cross and die under the ‘cross of the martyrs’, it’s required that you are a practicing Christian, a Christian agnostic or a Christian atheist (cultural Christian). The cultural factors are more important than your personal relationship with God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

    “Even Odinists can fight with us or by our side as brothers in this fight as long as they accept the founding principles of PCCTS, Knights Templar and agree to fight under the cross of the martyrs. The essence of our struggle is to defeat the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe before we are completely demographically overwhelmed by Muslims.”

No surprise Mr. Breivik reveals in his rather un-orthodox “CV” (page 1399) that the name of his primary weapon is Mjöllnir while the secondary weapon’s name is Gungnir, both of which are well-known names in Norse mythology. He describes his religion as, “Christian, Protestant, but I support a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholicism. The typical ‘Protestant Labor Church’ has to be deconstructed as its creation was an attempt to abolish the Church.”

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

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