I think this should really be a lot more controversial than it appears to be:
[Texas Governor] Rick Perry will host his much-buzzed about Christian prayer-fest “The Response” in Houston on Saturday, where participants will ask for divine help to overcome America’s myriad problems.
“A historic crisis facing our nation and threatening our future demands a historic response from the church,” Perry said in a video recorded to promote the event. “We must, as a people, return to the faith and hope of our fathers. The ancient paths of great men were blazed in prayer – the humility of the truly great men of history was revealed in their recognition of the power and might of Jesus to save all who call on His great name.”
He’s a sitting governor, and he’s leading a revival prayer meeting for followers of Jesus Christ in goddamned Reliant Stadium, the home of the Houston Texans. If that sounds like the plot of a Vonnegut or Vidal book to you, you’re not alone. That’s especially true because Gov. Rick Perry is seriously considering entering the presidential contest. He’ll be the Prayer Candidate. But only Christian prayer counts for him.
He led some kind of pray-in to address the Texas drought. I wonder what ppl in Texas think
about the fact that he’s still in the closet.
Yes, totally appropriate. The people of Texas know this clown, and have re-elected him. Thus, it is appropriate.
It is very important that the non-moron citizens of the US know this clown and his version of state religion. So, let him pray.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
If these people really think prayer can solve our problems, I wish they’d go all in and spend all their time in church and none of it in politics or the voting booth.
Saint Ronnie tried to call down the fires of heaven with the Star Wars defense initiative and wanna be Saint Ricky, I suppose, will call on the fires of heaven to smite our enemies. At least the Governor Goodhair version is cheaper.
To be entirely fair to Reagan, who I despised, he was not a prayer warrior. Nancy consulted astrologers, not preachers.
have you checked out the invitees?
Maddow did a good job on explaining the fringe folks Governor Good Hair hangs out with.
Sure seems like the America I knew before 1962 and for a decade or so after.
After all, the Boy Scouts did then and do now have a “God and Country” award.
It’s not more controversial because that’s the way it was for many people when they were growing and defiantly still is in red states. Constitution be damned.
Yes, indeed, Perry is staking out the religious right, because Michele Bachmann has locked down the Tea Party. Get your popcorn for the primary battle. Unless the Republican voters send these clowns to the sidelines early.
Define appropriate. Unconstitutional? Sure. Appropriate? Well, he knows how to speak to Texans in the midst of horrid conditions and such…so let them be the judge.
It’s one thing to lead a prayer meeting, but have you seen the advertisements? They’re all asking you to pray to Jesus…
Is there a way to take it to court?
Rick Perry’s Jesus Ad
It’s only unconstitutional if he’s using state resources. And I don’t mean police. I mean funds meant for staff and the office of the governor.
But isn’t he using his office of governor to promote one religion over another? It’s not like he’s just praying on his own accord, he’s doing it through the office of governor.
well, that’s what I mean. He is still a citizen who is free to organize a religious event. But if he’s using state funds designated for his office then he’s breaking the law.
Is he really this ignorant, or is he just another sociopath manipulating the gullible? Can he really think Aristotle and Lao Tse and Gandhi, among others, were all about Jesus?
And once again, where is the pushback from “mainstream” churches denouncing this travesty of Christianity. They’re always ready to murmur about how creatures like Perry and his cohorts don’t represent all Christians, but never manage to confront them, either.
At the end of a video message, Gov. Perry appears he will announce his candidacy for a presidential run … “they make plans of something even bigger than the state of Texas.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."