Over in England, the elites are debating the causes of the widespread looting and property destruction that has been spreading throughout the country like a wildfire. Roving packs of young people from the underclass are breaking into high-end stores and taking whatever they want. They’re robbing people in broad daylight with no concern that most of their actions are being captured by the ubiquitous cameras that film nearly every square-inch of England’s cities. They’re lighting cars and shops ablaze and then attacking the firefighters and police with projectiles.
We know the spark that lit the match was the shooting death of a black man in the Tottenham section of North London, but that doesn’t explain why people are rioting in South London and Nottingham and Birmingham and Manchester, and even in Glouchester. It’s hard to come up with one single answer. First of all, the same thing has been happening right here in Philadelphia all year long. It’s just on a smaller scale. For example, this is from late June.
UPPER DARBY — A mob of about 40 people stormed into the Sears department store on 69th Street Thursday, and in a flash stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, officials said.
Police were able to round up 15 juveniles and one adult, 19, all from West Philadelphia.
“They came in on the El train and hit Sears,” police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. “They stole sneakers, socks, watches, whatever they could get their hands on, and left.”
I think these girls have as good an explanation as you’re going to find. Having looted alcohol from a local shop, they calmly explained to a BBC reporter that the riots were all about showing the rich, the government, and the police that they could do whatever they want. When asked why they were destroying their own community, they said they were attacking the shop owners and people with money. And they thought the whole enterprise was a great deal of fun.
Sometimes people say that there is no real left-wing in America, and that’s kind of true in Britain, too. But we do have a left-wing. It’s just a left-wing designed to kill the seductive power of communism and to build a bulwark against anarchism. Different countries chose different ways of responding to the economic catastrophes of the 1920’s and 1930’s. The Russians became totalitarian. Europe succumbed to fascism. We chose a New Deal. It was a middle road. It provided a safety net and tolerable working conditions. It created a huge middle class. It didn’t arouse the far right or far left instincts of the nation, but put them into sleep mode.
Now we’re back to 1920’s level of income disparity. Conservatives are attacking every aspect of the New Deal. What rich people seem to be forgetting is that the opposite of the New Deal is not some idyllic paradise of free-market bliss. The opposite is rampaging mobs who light shit on fire just to show you that they can do whatever they want. Eventually, that can include burning down your business or your house, or, maybe, even taking your life.
And it’s not just income disparity that’s a problem. Consider how this all started. A bunch of smart people set up a kind of scam using complex financial instruments that no one can understand. They got rich beyond all imagination, while the rest of us lost our jobs, lost our retirement money, lost, in some cases, our homes. And then we were told that there was no money for our cops, no money for our firefighters, our nurses, our teachers. And next we’ll be told that our Social Security check will be smaller and we’ll have to wait another year or two to get our Medicare. Meanwhile, the rich, represented ably by the Republicans, refuse to pay one dime in extra taxes.
With that kind of attitude and that lack of accountability, it’s not hard to see why some people might start losing hope and might start losing respect for “the system.” If the rich don’t wise up quick, the scenes from England will be coming to America. Bet on it.
Among the other reasons, a police policy of stop-and-ID that is pervasive in poorer neighborhoods and absent elsewhere. And profiles youth without probable cause. Some community people interviewed on AJE said that the youth are saying that if they are going to be hassled and treated as criminals all the time, then what the hey?
And although it started in the African-Carribean community of Tottenham, it is clearly a class-based response rather than a race-based or ethnic-based one. Elsewhere there are white communities that have erupted as well.
When people ask me why I’m a liberal I often them that liberalism is the indispensable alternative to revolution or reaction. Revolutions are bloody and so is heavy handed reaction from the state. There were riots in the 1930s and liberals of that era saved capitalism by removing the imperative of violence from those who where economically depressed.
Society needs progress and economic and social justice at a pace it can absorb. When liberalism is gelded and ineffective in a democracy, either revolution or violent reaction is the result. Look what happened to the Weimar Republic in Germany. And Kerensky’s ineffective provisional governemnt paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution.
Destroying the middle class and concentrating wealth in the hands of elites is not sustainable and it damn sure can happen here. We need a strong liberal alternative in this country to prevent bloodshed.
Is that you, Arthur Gilroy?
Just the truth of the matter.
It’s catching.
Bet on it.
Bet on it? I’m praying for it! Anything to break this resignation and appeasement of the far Right.
I wouldn’t pray too hard. The most common reaction to these sorts of civil disturbances is an embrace of law ‘n’ order. It’s how Nixon got elected in 1968, for example, after several years of American inner cities burning every summer. It does not “wake up” “The People.” By and large, it scares them.
Our modern media circus would hit that theme hard and relentlessly, just as it did after 9-11. Most average Americans would not identify with the rioters, just as most Britons are not doing so today. They fear them. Bet on that, too.
Spot on. And face it; in this country, urban riots will to a large degree, given demographics and patterns of poverty concentrations, feature scary black people doing scary evil stuff, and the media will play up the chaos as “THOSE people” going wild (“and what else can you expect from THOSE people?”) and threatening the very fabric of whitebread real America.
The racism already fuelling so much of the Teahadist and white supremacist craziness in this country will go off the charts. The Second Amendment remedy lovers will go berserk with triumphant “See? See? We told you so!” and some of their loons will gleefully take up arms and go gunning for THOSE people in the race war they’ve been predicting (longing for).
We get riots burning down cities in this country? We get fascism, not reformation into anything remotely resembling the progressive utopia.
The London Police were caught off guard. Half of the force was on summer holiday. They were way under-staffed. Now they called them all back and just watch. They are going to crack down HARD on those scary brown people (racism is just as strong there, just more subtle.) They’re going to fill up their jails within a few days.
We don’t need to do that here.
Also, too, our populace has a shit ton more guns than the British.
And a shit ton more loonies in high and low places.
And a shit ton of those guns belong to people who would gladly eradicate every goddamned liberal and minority and Mooslum and other such un-American scum from the face of the Earth. And a lot of them are just itching for an excuse to haul those guns out.
So instead of London 2011, it may turn out to be Paris 1789.
I’ve been saying for years the behavior of “the system” (i.e. our elites) has put our country on an unsustainable and, more importantly, unstable path.
On a conceptual level, you cannot grind the masses down until they have nothing to lose and expect that status quo to hold indefinitely. Um, when the masses have nothing to lose then they automatically do not care if the place burns down. And if you make the masses angry enough, they’ll start the fire themselves. I’m confused by the confusion over these events.
I wish you were wrong about all of this, but quite frankly I’ve recently begun wondering what it’s going to take to get people in the streets. Well, I guess I don’t have to wonder anymore. After the last decade plus, rioting in the streets is the least surprising thing we should expect to see.
I had a comment to this effect yesterday; aside from it having become clearer that this is primarily a class, rather than racial or ethnic, phenomenon, all that still stands. This can and will happen here.
The Seattle WTO protests in 1999 were mostly an affair of overeducated young white people, as befits a mass protest over something as arcane as trade policy. But as soon as the police lost control of the streets you also got opportunistic young people who probably couldn’t spell WTO before that day coming in from the hoods and suburbs to loot Niketown etc. The constituency for that sort of response is a lot larger 12 years on. All it takes is a match – like, say, a police shooting, of which we have no shortage. We have all the ingredients.
Bet on it.
We have all the ingredients — and the hot weather.
Class is a big thing in England. They’ve kept it up for centuries. We’re heading in that direction, but we’ve got a way to go yet.
We have a class system, but people in the various classes persistently fail to recognize their class, persistently fail to understand the economic consequences of the class, and persistently fail to appreciate the difficulty of moving up the class hierarchy.
Thus “What’s the matter…” and suchlike books.
In some ways that’s good. I’m a Yank and I lived in England for about seven years. So I was kind of on the outside looking in. I could see the class thing at work, but it didn’t affect me all that much.
But this latest American version of the class war — it was started by the very rich, and they are pursuing it avidly. So people are starting to feel that something is not right. And some of them are actually understanding where it’s coming from, but as we see, some of them are really not.
Also I will say this for England. There’s still some sense of noblesse oblige over there, or at least there was when I was there. Here it seems to have gone out of style.
Here we all are taught to believe that we’re the same, so we all think we’re Middle Class. This ranges from someone making $10,000/yr to someone making $500,000 a year. It’s disgusting.
And if anyone calls it out, the right-wingers start screaming “class warfare! class warfare!”
Start pointing it out and let them scream. Rush Limbaugh makes like $13 Million each MONTH!
Class warfare?
our class system is de facto, there’s is written in law (the Peerage) and includes a house of lords. bad as ours is, it’s just not as rigid. their racism (which is bad and not that suble imo) is reinforced by the class system.
When the people who care about their country and people no longer have a voice they have nothing to communicate with but their fists. England, like the US, has become a semi-police state where protest is suppressed and police cameras watch every move. Intimidate long enough and you get a reaction.
Our country is bigger, so movement takes longer to initiate and to stop. As we absorb the enormity of the swindle that has done us out of our money, our culture, and our heritage, the fuse burns ever brighter. Our overlords are grossly stupid, so enlightened behavioral change from them is unlikely before it’s too late. The spectacle of a private company’s political opinions bringing down an economy only cements the impression that we are no longer citizens, but passive clients of corporate “benevolence”, without any of the citizen power that our mythology says belongs to us. But everybody wakes up sooner or later. When we do, we may just make the Brit troubles look like a peaceful game for children.
I guarantee you that the concept of “caring about their country” is utterly foreign to these hooligans. Patriotism is considered a bizarre attitude exhibited only by cranky right-wingers, a relic of the vanished empire. If you’d lived through English history, especially in the 20th century, you’d understand. You know, the wingers are not exactly wrong that there is a moral problem in England, it’s just that they don’t understand what it is. The English went through their religious nut stage in the 16th-19th centuries. They also went through the enormous destruction and demoralization of two world wars and the loss of their empire. We have exactly the same kind of religious nuttery here, same vintage, but it survived and metastasized. So they think that England’s troubles are due to the loss of a winger faction like themselves.
You are of course entirely correct. The current trend in America is to undercut policies that foster social stability. The recalls in Wisconsin last night were a chance to deliver a genuine check to this trend. That chance was missed.
It is still possible to avoid the hard landing scenario, of course. But time is not on our side. Our political system is designed to hinder change in the best of times. In the modern world, overpopulation, climate change, peak oil, extinction patters, all of these and more threaten to drive events far faster then our system can accommodate.
Riots are only a leading edge indicator of how bad things might get.
We humans are clever but we are also very stupid. We tend to not learn our lesson until we suffer very badly for our hubris.
“That chance was missed.”
No it fucking wasn’t. It was pursued, a significant advance was achieved, and a beachhead was established.
Maybe I’m being unfair to sense a touch of the emoprog in your comment. I hope not, but that’s how it comes off to me. Anything that is not a total victory all at once is considered a devastating defeat from which humanity will never recover. Excuse me if I use an old-fashioned term, but people who whine on and on in this fashion strike me as having no sense of proportion and above all, no character. Do you know that there is a concept called “morale”? Do you know that these comments not only lack perspective, but help to demoralize the large numbers of people that read them? One of the great thing about the Dems in WI is that they have character and their morale is obviously high. I sometimes feel that is completely wasted on a lot of so-called progressives elsewhere.
Alas, many liberals had three ponies on their Christmas list and when they woke up this morning there were only two ponies under the tree.
Liberal reaction: Shoot the two horses….Cancel Christmas forever…It’s a miserable failure.
Well, to be fair, they had three horses and the keys to the kingdom on their list. All they got is two horses. Not so hard to understand a disappointment.
True, that last pony carried a bit of significance when coupled with the other two. I know that hopes were high, mine included. I admit to being let down a bit when I saw the final tallies this morning. I, too, am tiring of what feels like small and only partial victories in the face of what seems like a constant stream of Tea Party craziness and destruction. The wheels are falling off and most of the country is either ignorant or apathetic.
It was a major accomplishment all the same, and another sign that the Tea Party is not universally regarded as God’s gift of liberty to America.
Yup. I can’t agree with you more, here. I wrote as much back in June, thinking about athens:
You are 100% correct, and that goes for the governmental elite, also, too.
yes it does. they are one and the same, often.
Reading about Justice Louis Brandeis, many parallels can be found in the social reform struggle of 100 years ago. Believe or not …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The source of most revolutions lies in religion, poverty and/or economic downfall. Unjust taxation of the underprivileged is often the spark needed for revolt.
Cross-posted from my diary – Israeli Social Justice Protests Have 92% Popular Support
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
to describe this as some sort of political response in the UK is interesting.
The cynic in me wonders, though, just how different than they are from the kids the rioted in Vancouver after the Canucks lost to the Bruins.
I agree. It will have major political repercussions, though.
They don’t realize how lucky they are to live in a country with universal healthcare.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well put Booman. I draw parallels to the 1890s gilded age and the rise of Marxism in europe. In the opening chapter of Edmund morris’ biography of TR Roosevelt, Theodore Rex, he painted a picture of the potential for violent social upheaval in the US due to inequalities in wealth. Roosevelt was perceptive enough to convince the wealthy elite that it was in their best interests to give a little back to prevent more drastic blowback. I don’t know if the current crop of republicans has the morals or the brains to see the bigger picture here…
Reading about Justice Louis Brandeis, many parallels can be found in the social reform struggle of 100 years ago. Believe or not …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."