Progress Pond

George Ciccariello-Maher: Planet of Slums, Age of Riots

Thought this over at i cite (which she excerpted from a CounterPunch article) might be of interest:

Mob Hysteria

When economic violence reaches a certain point, social  counter-violence soon follows, and yet it is rarely the bankers or the  politicians, the purveyors of global austerity measures, who bear the  brunt. It begins with name-calling, and no name has more political and  historical resonance than “the mob,” the most traditional of slurs. From  Philadelphia to London, we are told, the specter of the mob looms, and to the image  of the “baying mob,” that keystone of journalistic integrity The Sun has also added the image of the “trouble-making rabble.”

Irrational, uncontrollable, impermeable to logic and  unpredictable in its movements, these undesirables have once again  ruined the party for everyone, as they have done from Paris 1789 to  Caracas 1989. In Fanon’s inimitable words: “the masses, without waiting  for the chairs to be placed around the negotiating table, take matters  into their own hands and start burning…”

To use the word “mob” is a fundamentally political  gesture. It is an effort by governing elites and conservative forces to  delegitimize and denigrate popular resistance, to empty it of all  political content by drawing a line of rationality in the sand. To make  demands is reasonable, but since “the mob” is the embodiment of  unreason, it cannot possibly make demands. Never mind the very clearly political motivations that sparked the rebellions around London, as well as the growing and equally political concerns about economic inequality and racist policing: these have been well documented, no matter how little many Britons want to hear it.

But I want to address directly the idea that the riots  are fundamentally irrational, as the smear of “the mob” would  symbolically insist. Let’s listen closely, let’s block out the torrent  of media denunciation and hear what the rebels are saying themselves:

Argument 1: Nothing Else Has Worked, This Might.

When ITV asked one young rebel what, if anything, rioting would achieve, his response was as matter-of-fact as it was profound:

“You wouldn’t be talking to me now if we didn’t  riot, would you?… Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more  than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know  what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting  and look around you.”

As another put it:  “you can’t do nothing that’s normal for it to happen right.” In other  words, legitimate discontent has not been heard through official  channels, and so those suffering turn to unofficial ones. If someone has  an effective counter-argument to this, I’m all ears. This is not to  suggest that the rebellions have a singular logic shared by every  participant, but that there is logic to be found nonetheless.

This isn’t the only time riots have worked, either: in 2009 Oakland, it was riots and only riots  that led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of BART police  officer Johannes Mehserle for the death of Oscar Grant. And this  effectiveness extends to the tactical, while the left marches and is  surrounded by police, these street rebels have proven far less  susceptible to tactics like “kettling”: as The Guardian put it,

roaming groups of youths cannot be effectively  kettled. And unlike activists they will often return to the site of  trouble, seeking direct confrontation with police.The looters appear to  have been more savvy. Large groups targeting shops have been melting  into a nearby estate in seconds at the first sound of sirens arriving.

Argument 2: The Rich Can Do It, Why Can’t We?

Poor people aren’t stupid enough not to have noticed  what’s been going on in the world around them. As capitalist crisis has  set in a massive redistribution of wealth has taken place, with banks  and investors bailed out at the expense of the population, effectively  rewarding them for predatory behavior and leveraging national debt into  economic growth. The rich line their profits as essential services and  benefits are slashed, and faced with such obvious “looting,” we are  somehow expected not to notice.

One onlooker to the London riots puts it precisely:

This is about youth not having a future… a lot of  these people are unemployed, a lot of these people have their youth  center closed down for years, and they’re basically seeing the normal  things: the bankers getting away with what they’re getting away with…  this is the youth actually saying to themselves, guess what? These  people can get away with that, then how come we can’t tell people what  we feel?

As one young female looter told The Sun, “We’re getting our taxes back,” and as another told The Guardian, “The politicians say that we loot and rob, they are the original gangsters.”
Argument 3: Locating the Riots.

Essential to the imagery of the irrational mob is the  insistence that the bulk of the destruction is centered on working-class  communities, and here the logic is fundamentally colonial. The  poor and the Blacks can’t be trusted: look what they do to their own.  Incapable of governing themselves, they must be taught civilization, by  blows if necessary. Here again Oakland resonates, as after the riots  there a solitary African braid shop, one of many whose windows were  smashed, became the media symbol of the `irrationality’ of rioters hell-bent on destruction and nothing  more. It is worth noting that the poor rarely “own” anything at all,  even in their “own” communities.

To break this narrative, we must read the actions of  the rebels as well as listening to their words. While working-class  communities have indeed suffered damage (we should note that  working-class communities always bear the brunt of upheaval),  there has been less talk of more overtly political targeting: police  stations burned to the ground, criminal courts windows smashed by those who had passed through them, and the tacitly political nature  of youth streaming into neighboring areas to target luxury and chain  stores. On just the first night, rioters in Tottenham Hale targeted “Boots, JD Sports, O2, Currys, Argos, Orange, PC World and Comet,”  whereas some in nearby Wood Green ransacking the hulking HMV and H&M  before bartering leisurely with their newly acquired possessions.

This tendency was seemingly lost on analysts at The Guardian,  who were left scratching their heads when the riot locations did not  correspond directly to the areas with the highest poverty. And it’s not  just the lefty news outlets that let such details slip: Danny Kruger, ex-adviser to David Cameron observed that:  ”The districts that took the brunt of the rioting on  Monday night were not sink estates. Enfield, Ealing, Croydon, Clapham…  these places have Tory MPs, for goodness’ sake. A mob attacked the  Ledbury, the best restaurant in Notting Hill.”

While refusing to denounce the rebellions, socialist thinker Alex Callinicos nevertheless suggests that such looting is “a form of do-it-yourself consumerism… reflecting  the intensive commodification of desires in the neoliberal era.” This  view misses the far more complex role of the commodity during a riot,  which was as evident in Oakland as in Venezuela:  not only is the looting of luxury consumer items far more complex than  Callinicos suggests, but the argument of looting as consumerism would  have a hard time explaining both the destruction of luxuries and  appropriation of necessities that often ensues.

Despite the ideological deployment of the specter of mob hysteria, in the words of one observer, there is “nothing mindless” about the London rebellions.

“An Insurrection of the Masses”

British media has by now largely closed ranks against  the rebellion, providing a seamless tapestry of denunciation that  oscillates between the violently reactionary and the comically  hysterical. But this was not without first making a serious mistake, an  error in judgment that pried open but the tiniest crack into which  stepped a man who has since become a focal point for resistance to the  media hype. Darcus Howe, nephew of the Trinidadian Marxist C.L.R. James,  seems to have inherited his uncle’s acute capacity for seeing through  the racist hype about “mobs” and discerning the political kernel of  seemingly apolitical daily acts of resistance, of recognizing the new  even amid the crumbling shell of the old.

When asked in a live BBC interview to characterize the recent outbursts, How spoke the following words:

I don’t call it rioting, I call it an insurrection  of the masses of the people. It is happening in Syria, it is happening  in Clapham, it’s happening in Liverpool, it’s happening in Port of  Spain, Trinidad, and that is the nature of the historical moment…

When Howe refused to follow the self-generating  script, one so well-known that no orders for its reading usually need be  given, the flailing BBC correspondent turned first to bad logic and  then to ad hominem attack. If Howe was attempting to explain  the context of the rebellions he must also be condoning their effects,  and wasn’t he, by the way, himself a rioter as a youth? He wasn’t, as a  matter of fact, but he was certainly accused of being one: Howe was  tried for affray and riot at the Old Bailey in 1971 only to be  acquitted. After Howe’s later release on charges of assaulting a police  officer, Linton Kwesi Johnson penned a tribute, “Man Free,” which featured the following words

Him stand up in the court like a mighty lion, him stand up in the court like a man of iron, Darcus out of jail, Shabba!

A video of the interview recorded from a living room has spread like wildfire, with more than 2.3 million hits as I write, and the Beeb has since been forced to apologize, blaming unspecified “technical issues”).

“The Nature of the Historical Moment”

Darcus Howe is right: there is something peculiar  about “the nature of the historical moment.” Maybe it began in 1989 in  the South, when Venezuelans rose up against neoliberalism in the Caracazo rebellions only to be crushed in blood and fire with up to 3,000 dead. Who was the  subject of that near-insurrection, that world-historical detonator  which forever transformed Venezuela and unleashed all that has come  since? The poor dwellers of the barrios surrounding Caracas and  other Venezuelan cities, the product of decades of systematic  underdevelopment and the nascent neoliberalism that had accelerated its  effects. These were the residents of the slums of which our planet was  soon composed, in Mike Davis’s haunting words, and without access to  political power or a workplace to strike in, they had discovered the  location of their political action in practice: the streets.

But as jobs have moved South, crisis has come North.  Or rather, it has been here all along, in the South of the North and the  North of the South, but austerity measures have begun to shift the  effects of the contemporary crisis to reach a far broader demographic.  In this context, critiquing the effects of riots in our historical moment is about as effective as bemoaning the  existence of gravity. Those taking to the streets of London and  elsewhere are the social product of capitalist restructuring in the long  term and austerity measures in the short term. But a historical subject  does not gain its status merely from being a product: first it must  act.

Darcus Howe’s uncle, the late C.L.R. James, was  straightforward in insisting that it is in such action that the new  world emerges from the shell of the old, and here I only hope to note  some hopeful indications of this. First and foremost is the  unprecedented spirit of unity that has emerged in the streets of London  and elsewhere. As The Guardian reports:

…the rioting has been unifying a cross-section of  deprived young men who identify with each other… Kast gave the example  of how territorial markers which would usually delineate young people's  residential areas – known as `endz,’ `bits’ and `gates’ – appear to have  melted away. “On a normal day it wouldn’t be allowed – going in to  someone else’s area… Now they can go wherever they want. They’re  recognising themselves from the people they see on the TV [rioting].  This is bringing them together.”

This sense of unity is not merely among different sets  from different areas, but also extends to the unprecedented  multi-ethnic demographic that has participated: poor whites, Black  British, African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants, South Asians, Muslims,  and Jews have all played a role. While some in the Jewish community have complained of being singled out for the participation of Hasidic Jews in the first night’s rioting in Tottenham, this should instead be read  against assumptions that the crowd was only Black or only Muslim. All  ages have participated as well, with entire families spotted either  looting or warning looters of approaching police. The youth, and  especially young men, have nevertheless constituted the functional  spearhead of the rebellions, with one observer insisting that “this is a movement of the youth, of the young people saying, guess what mister, I’ve got no voice, no future, no leadership.”

But if C.L.R. James saw the potential for unity amid  such rebellions, cracks in the shell of the old often produce dangerous  shards, and so he was also keenly aware of the equal potential for the  opposite: racist backlash among even poor whites. Thus while the more  the more liberal wing of white supremacy has appeared in the form of “broom armies”  cleaning up the aftermath of the rebellions (wearing t-shirts  emblazoned with such heartwarming slogans as “rioters are scum”), “mobs” of white racists like the “Enfield Army” have also emerged, offering their services to the police against the rioters (this alongside the more organized white supremacy of the English Defence League).

“The Left Must Respond”

In a short web comment, Daniel Harvey expressed the sentiment of many on the radical left seeking to walk the fine line  between uncritically embracing the English rebellions and falling into  the right-wing media strategy of denunciation:

We have to remain loyal to this crisis. We have to  support the eruption of the unheard and the unspoken in our obscene  society… the problem is not the excesses of this or that action, it is  that the rioters are simply not radical enough.  We have to  radicalise them further… We have to support the anger, but make the  anger political, and thereby turn it into something genuinely powerful  and dangerous – a revolutionary moment rather than a riot.

This is certainly true in one sense, but it runs the risk of neglecting the fact that “the left” is far behind the  rebels in the streets. In some key ways, these riots are far more  radical and more effective than the left has proven itself to be, and  the rebels have certainly surpassed the left in tactical savvy as in  sheer bravado. Who is really more radical?

Certainly, “the left must respond”  as one op-ed puts it, if only to fight the messaging of the right, but  only if we recognize that there is much we can learn from those rushing  through the London streets. As one observer puts it, these youth “got nothing to lose,” to which we might be tempted to add, `but their chains…’

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