In a comment on Boomans’s Libya-related article Excessive Celebration Penalty, ivor ulfsson wrote:

If Obama and nato don’t start immediately protecting the civilian population of Tripoli from being slaughtered by the rebels, it will prove that the emperor has no clothes and was lying all along about the necessity to intervene in the first place based on  ‘protecting civilians.’

I  believe that “wars,” whether they be massive conflicts, small uprisings like the recent ones in Great Britain, the so- called “Arab Spring” that was really a troublesome period for all of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean and produced effects far to the north and south of that area as well…the London riots being one of them…can be best understood as infections on the body of the planet. I recently wrote a piece on this subject if anyone wants to know more about this idea: War + Revolution as Earthbound, Traveling Infections. Again.

I have seen a number of videos of the Qaddafi opposition forces and it appears to me that this is simply a mob of well-armed, poor young men who have been infected with the ongoing “Arab Spring” disease in its weakened form. The disease has already pretty much run its course and now all that is left of it are sporadic outbreaks that resemble areas of inflamed skin on a patient who is recovering from a really severe internal illness. Expecting an organized revolution to evolve from a well-armed mob is simply silly. It’s “magical thinking” that has been hyped by the mass media, nothing more. I am sure that our leaders…rulers might be a more accurate term…are quite aware of this fact, so the current, massive hype machine that is trumpeting “VICTORY IN LIBYA” all over the news is just a smokescreen to hide what is really going on there.

Which is…Tah Dah!!!…

Simply more of the same oil-based economic imperialist hustle that has been the order of the day in North Africa since WW I and the British spook T. E. Lawrence’s “Lawrence of Arabia” game.

Divide and conquer….from the Latin divide et impera. (The Romans knew.)

Read on for more
A massive military intervention based on the based on the concept of protection for civilians? One that cost billions of dollars? Maybe even more?

What a quaint idea.

It was an investment. Nothing more and nothing less.

The millions who are dying or about to die in drought and famine-stricken Africa? Where is the multi-billion dollar investment in their protection? It’s not there, and the reason it’s not there is that those poor people are not sitting on enough highly desirable resources to make such an effort a reasonably good investment.

It’s just business. Nuthin’ personal. You understand. Bada-BING!!!

The emperor is actually very well dressed, ivor.


He wears his clothes very well. In fact, his talents as a male model are among those that got him (s)elected to the presidency in he first place. Given a choice between hyping Obama’s gloriously graceful good looks and Hillary Clinton’s ongoing fight with middle-aged spread……


…the hypemasters went with the obvious choice.

To be at all concerned about the truth or falsehood of the disinfo that is continuously being pumped into the mental, emotional and physical bloodstreams of most Americans is a sure sign that you yourself are thoroughly in the grip of the trance state that is the desired result of those media efforts.

And all I have to say about that is this:


It’s later than you think.

Station WTFU signing off.

Once again.

Have a nice day.