Progress Pond

How to Serve the Public

I remember a Twilight Zone episode called “How to Serve Man.” Benevolent large-headed, bug-eyed, space creatures came to Earth to serve humanity. They cured diseases, improved the living standards of the planet, and in general took care of Earth’s inhabitants. They carried a book with the title How to Serve Man. Other than the title, the book was written in their language which took a long time to translate. Just as their ship carrying hundreds of humans back to their world to experience it for themselves, the show’s Earthling hero translated the book. Of course it was a cookbook.

I thought of this old TV show today when I read this article in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram.

Since his first race for office more than a quarter century ago, Gov. Rick Perry has emphasized his roots as a rural farmer.

Yet Perry’s bank account no longer reflects those humble beginnings as his bottom line has soared in recent years, records show, thanks largely to a handful of real estate deals that critics allege were achieved through the presidential candidates’s political connections.

In just about every campaign Perry has run since 1989, allegations of his using his position for financial gain have come up. It’s an issue Perry long ago accepted would linger as long as he remains in the public eye.

Seems that Gov. Perry has made a number of astute real estate deals. He has on several occasions bought property an turned around and sold it at appreciated prices to some of his biggest political backers.

Didn’t Reagan amass considerable wealth this same way?

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