Progress Pond

A Day (Mostly) Without Stupid

I had a great day today. One of my closest friends came to visit me yesterday. He stayed overnight and we took him down to 30th Street train station this morning. Then we headed over to the best restaurant in Philadelphia for their all-you-can-eat lunch buffet. They literally unlocked the doors for us and we ate alone in peace for 45 minutes before another table was seated. After that, we strolled through Society Hill over to the 2nd Street farmer’s market, making sure to explore plenty of side streets. Then it was over to Isgro’s for a Rum Cake. The weather was perfect. Aside from the customary gridlock on the Schuylkill Expressway that we dealt with on the way home, it couldn’t have been nicer. The best part was that I didn’t once have to think about crap like this:

A top House Republican said Sunday that President Barack Obama was engaging “class warfare” with a proposal to tax millionaires at a higher rate.

The so-called “Buffet rule” would make sure millionaires pay about the same tax rate as the employees that work for them. It’s named after billionaire Warren Buffet, who has said that he is taxed at a rate of about 17.4 percent, while his secretary is taxed at a rate of about 36 percent.

“If you tax something more, Chris, you get less of it,” Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “Class warfare, Chris, may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics. We don’t need a system that seeks to divide people and prey on peoples’ fear, envy and anxiety. We need a system that creates jobs and innovation, and removes these barriers for entrepreneurs to go out a rehire people. I’m afraid these kinds of tax increases don’t work.”

For today, I’ll let Zandar handle that one.

Thanks to everyone who made contributions to the site this weekend, and thanks to all the birthday well-wishers, too. You all helped alleviate a lot of anxiety for me. I’m very grateful.

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