Progress Pond

Another Promise Kept

I don’t know why the administration decided to announce the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq on a Friday when hardly anyone will notice, but I am very pleased at the news. Not so, Lindsey Graham. I guess some people just like being wrong. If I were Graham, instead of criticizing the decision to leave Iraq, I’d pretend that it proves that the neo-cons were right all along. The truth is, we broke the country and now part of it is being occupied by Turkey. We couldn’t put Iraq back together again and now we’re leaving. Other than removing Saddam Hussein from power, our mission wasn’t successful on any level. Investing more lives and treasure isn’t going to make Lindsey Graham right. It’s not going to reduce Iran’s expanded influence. Nine years of futility is enough. Of all the things Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail, this was the most important to me. It’s a promise a lot of people thought he wouldn’t keep.

Mitt Romney says it’s a failure of leadership. He’s an idiot.

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