Oh, we’re going to play this game again?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said he didn’t know if President Obama’s birth certificate was genuine.
In an interview with Parade Magazine, Perry said he has no reason to think otherwise that the president was born in the United States. But pushed further for a more definitive answer, Perry said he couldn’t be sure that Obama’s long-form birth certificate, which was released earlier this year, was real.
When told that he had seen the birth certificate, Perry questioned that, according to a transcript of the interview put out by the magazine.
“I don’t know. Have I?” said Perry.
Asked if he believed in the document that’s been released, the governor said he didn’t know.
“I don’t know. I had dinner with Donald Trump the other night,” Perry said. “He doesn’t think it’s real.”
There are a few things about Rick Perry that I am not sure are real. Let’s start with his hair and teeth. How about the name of his hunting ground: Niggerhead. Is that for real?
His credentials to be president? Not real.
Debating skills? Non-existent.
Grasp of the issues? Illusory.
Taking advice from Donald Trump? Priceless.
The whole interview is terrible. He calls Trump a job creating machine. He talks about shooting a coyote when he was out jogging with his daughter’s puppy. When asked if he’s read Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” he says he doesn’t read much fiction. He jokes about not being up taking an organic chemistry class back in college. He says he never experimented with drugs; unless of course you call caffeine or beer or whiskey a drug. This was the second place candidate to be the Republican nominee for President.
What would the Republicans do without Mitt Romney? Aside from candidates like Huntsman who don’t have a chance of being nominated, he seems to be the only one who isn’t a complete joke.
nomination. Just staying in there right now so he has a little name recognition so when 2016 rolls around he can say we tried crazy in 2012 now try sane. I think Jeb Bush is staying clear for much the same reason.
Looking at the picture of Perry the the birther question over at TPM I could have sworn I saw sweat on his upper lip.
Must be hard on the guy who’s never lost a race to be down to Plan Y to regain his runner up status. And btw, how many screwups are the GOP prepared to grant Cain forgiveness for?
As anyone mentioned an important thing in all of this? If Romney is the nominee, it still means(for now) that the 2nd place guy last time is the nominee the next time for the GOP. If Mittens wins the nomination, I wonder who will finish 2nd. Because that is setting the table for 2016.
yes, BooMan, this clown WENT THERE.
let him GO THERE.
I was thinking parts south of there, but he can go there too…
I have heard that in response to Cain’s “9-9-9” economic plan that Perry is going to offer his own “Five-Dollar Footlong” economic plan.
I have no reason to question that Rick Perry was born in the United States. Perry himself seems to believe it with all the sincerity he can muster — and Rick Perry is an honorable man. Still, I doubt he actually remembers where he was when he was born, and I wonder if he could really prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Like the rest of us, he merely repeats what he has always been told. Oh yes, he has a birth certificate. Yet — and here’s the rub — a birth certificate may be forged. A witness, or alleged witness, may say things that are true … or less than true. Texas may or may not be part of the United States, they don’t seem to be sure about that. So Rick Perry’s real birthplace has always been a question, and a question it will remain — a question that cannot be answered. And I’m not sure America wants to take that risk.
Rick Perry is an incompetent politician.
Southern governor. History of speaking positively about lynching and secession. Niggerhead. The guy has a gaping weakness in any effort to campaign against the first black president. He shouldn’t be coming within a thousand miles of any issue that has racial overtones.