Tom Friedman owes O’Hollern a snazzy black turtleneck sweater. No doubt about it.
It’s sad when horrible restaurants go broke and have to lay off their employees.
It’s a good thing that Herman Cain isn’t running for a lifetime appointment.
Yeah, but we just want them to pay some taxes.
Terrorists cannot be white, or Christian.
What are you reading?
1-Tom Friedman is a PermaGov tool, as is the newspaper that employs him. If he was in prison w/the rest of the Iraq War apologists, he’d have no need for any of his expensive clothes. Why anyone would read him who did not suffer for some sort of masochistic malady is beyond me.
2-Horrible restaurants are a dime a dozen in NYC. There are at least two on every commercial block in NYC…often using the word “gourmet” in their name. They don’t go broke very often because they are:
a-Usually fairly cheap.
b-The taste buds of Americans in general have been so deadened by the fast food/preserved food/irradiated food/chemically altered food/biologically fucked-with food industries that most of them wouldn’t be able to tell the diference between a truffle and a one-percenter’s turd. Many of which turds are, I imagine, liberally scented with $3000+/lb truffle juice. These guys must be championship-caliber assholes.
3-Cain is an asshole who he is being used by the media to take the heat off of Romney. Nothing more and nothing less. The fix is already in. On both sides of the permeable fence that we laughingly call “the aisle.” Now that Rubio’s so-called family history has been so thoroughly trashed, Cain may be of some use to the RatPubs in luring a percentage of the non-white vote away from Obama. Other than that? He’s a joke candidate. What is a “joke candidate?” See the Sarah Palin saga for the original. She was at least a pioneer of sorts. Of course…there preceded her John Edwards, Thomas Eagleton, Dan Quayle and Spiro Agnew who could be used as templates, but she really defined the American Idol/amateur hustler/clown version that is now being used by people like Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum to some good effect and personal profit.
4-Bloomberg is a clown, too. But he is a very rich and very smart clown. Not rich enough, though. He had to blink at the OWS thing a couple of weeks ago and this underhanded shit is not his real forte. He usually just goes in and buys people, but when his money means shit to his targets he is absolutely helpless.
5-“Terrorists cannot be white, or Christian?”
Y’mean Cheney, Butch II and the rest of them aren’t those those things?
I’ll be damned!!! They been lyin’ to us alla this time?
Well I never!!!
I like how Bloomberg tried to blame Freddie and Fannie for the banks’ malfeasance.
He’s just doing his job, Booman. That’s who he is. The frontman/faceman for Wall Street.
What am I reading?
“The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century” by Steve Coll. First time thru it, almost done with it
“The Punishment of virtue” by Sarah Chayes. 2nd time thru it.
Cain blames Perry for leak
May they destroy each other
Congress has once again violated the first amendment and reaffirmed “In God We Trust” as the national motto. Secularist and free thinkers are pissed.
What am I reading?
W. Edwards Deming’s “Out of the Crisis” and I just finished “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
Reading a new book on the New Deal by Michael Hiltzik, a tough but mostly favorable assessment except for the dreadful Hooveresque decision making in 1937.
Just finished: The Grey Wolf: Hitler’s Escape to South America. Surprisingly strong case made that AH and Eva along with escape master planner Martin Bormann and others got out of Berlin and fled to Patagonia, something Bormann had been planning since 1943 when he concluded the war was lost. Far more solid evidence in favor of this than for the official story.
Up next: Suite Francaise, the nearly complete novel by a woman living under Nazi occupation in France. And A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America and the Holocaust by David Wyman.
My usual light upbeat reading .