In agreement with your comment. This is today’s view of Tunesians about Obama, Sarkozy, Berlusconi and Netanyahu … from Tunesia’s best blog!

Tunisian Satire Flooding Obama Facebook Page

Tunisian Internet users flooded the Facebook page of American President Barack Obama Sunday night with a uniquely Tunisian form of satire called “tanbir.” Their comments were sparked by recent news of Occupy Wall Street protesters injured in clashes with police in the United States, and they cast Obama in the role of Arab dictators who have recently been deposed or shaken by popular protests.

“Tunisian people denounce violations against the American people by the security forces, which affect the freedom of expression,” writes Tunisian Facebook user Fawzi Benarab.

 « click for story
President Obama portraited as ousted dictator Ben Ali

One Facebook post declares, “[Tunisian Chief of Staff] Rachid Ammar declares a no-fly zone over America to protect peaceful protesters from harm.”

With over 130,000 comments since Sunday and new posts every minute, the sudden outpouring of satire demonstrates a new feeling of empowerment among young Tunisians. With a successful election behind them, suddenly, no power in the world feels beyond reach. Whether the comments are pro- or anti-Obama is largely beside the point next to a dramatic statement of Tunisian pride. Many posts refrain from satire altogether and simply declare, “Viva Tunisie!”

President Barack Obama got a virtual smackdown this week — all the way from Tunisia

(Politico) – Tunisian Facebook users posted thousands of comments on Obama’s Facebook page this week, launching what they dubbed a “virtual surprise attack” mocking him and showing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement, Al Arabiya reported on Tuesday.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."