Progress Pond

OWS? No Blood, No Foul. Not Yet, Anyway. But Watch. It’s a’Comin’. Bet on it.

Booman recently posted an article called Oakland Occupied; Bay Bridge Next?

In it he posted a link to one of the many mainstream media articles that are now trumpeting the latest PermaGov talking point regarding this movement and also a quote from that rancid little article.

Peaceful Occupy protests degenerate into chaos

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) – A day of demonstrations in Oakland that began as a significant step toward expanding the political and economic influence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, ended with police in riot gear arresting dozens of protesters who had marched through downtown to break into a vacant building, shattering windows, spraying graffiti and setting fires along the way.

“We go from having a peaceful movement to now just chaos,” said protester Monique Agnew, 40.

Now…”just chaos” is quite a leap from what happened. I got yer “chaos,” right here!!!

Tahrir Square, scant months ago.

And here.

Even more recently.

In Jolly Olde London Towne.



In Oakland?

Mostly gas and noise. A crowd control version of the smoke and mirrors that the PermaGov has been using to Ponzi the American people for far too long. No blood…not much, anyway…no foul. Not in the MSM, anyway.

But wait.

It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.

Bet on it.

Read on for more.

Gandhi said it:

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

We’re still in the “ignore/laugh” stage, pretty much. An occasional fight mode breaks out, but not the real kind.

You know.

Like the good old days?

Bullets and broken bones?

Well…these are those good old days. Been the good old days almost everywhere on earth for the last 30 years or so. We’re just about to catch up on the news.

Read this yet?

U.S. Night Raids Killed Over 1,500 Afghan Civilians in Ten Months

U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) killed well over 1,500 civilians in night raids in less than 10 months in 2010 and early 2011, analysis of official statistics on the raids released by the U.S.-NATO command reveals.

Remember what bin Laden asked in one of his communications ?

“By what measure of kindness are your killed considered innocents while ours are considered worthless? By what school [of thought] is your blood considered blood while our blood is water?

I think that bin Laden had a slightly mistaken idea here. The blood of no “innocents” is sacrosanct to the corporate PermaGov unless that blood can be in some way used to shore up the international Ponzi scheme that we laughingly refer to these days as “corporate big business.” The gamble that they will be forced to take…forced by a panicky or otherwise disturbed cop, more than likely, the one who fires the first shot like whichever cop fired the first of the 41 bullets that killed the “innocent” Amadou Diallo in his Brooklyn doorway almost 12 years ago…the gamble will be that they can spin the “Occupy” thing into an anarchist/dirty commie/dirty hippie assault on the American Dream. The problem with that idea is that said “American Dream” has suffered such a vicious assault by the Ponzi People over the last 20 years that only the truly stupid actually believe in it anymore.


Tinderbox America.


It’s elementary social math.


Plus this:

Equals this.

I predicted this way back in early August.

War + Revolution as Earthbound, Traveling Infections. Again.

After the debt limit shenanigans, the resultant S&P downgrade and the quite possible imminent collapse of the whole financial system? A NATO Summer to rival the Arab Spring? Could be. Seen the headlines in London and Belfast? We’re next? Could be…

Read on, and may you be born into interesting times.

See this picture?

Look familiar?

Egypt, maybe?



Guess again, folks.

It’s Spain.

Tens of thousands of Spaniards demonstrated in the past week in city squares around the country against austerity measures that have kept a fiscal crisis at bay but aggravated the highest jobless rate in the European Union .

More than 34 million people are eligible to vote while in the background the growing protest movement has illustrated the disillusionment felt by Spaniards toward both main parties and what they call a political system that favors economic interests over citizens.

The protesters have called on Spaniards to reject the Socialists and the center-right Popular Party, the main two political options in Spain.

“I don’t like the policies of some of the parties,” said Cristina, a 23-year-old student who declined to give her last name outside a Madrid polling station. She didn’t want to say who she voted for but said: “You can also cast a blank ballot.”

“…a political system that favors economic interests over citizens.”


Sound familiar?


It does.

Now go look at a map.

In a generally east to west direction:






Saudi Arabia









and now headed north by way of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco to…


Quick!!! Call the CDC!!! It’s an epidemic!!!

I wonder how far it will spread.





Greece? Read the news.

Georgia? Turkey? The area around the Caspian Sea that author Gary Shteyngart so perfectly labeled Absurdistan? (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, etc.)

OOOOOOooooooo…!!! Gonna take a world cop combined with a world doctor to deal with this infection!!!

Is that us?

The U.S.?

Hell…we can’t even pay our world debt! What kinda bigshot doctor is in hock like that?

But…”Hey, Doc…d’ya think it could skip across the Atlantic!!!??? You know…like that AIDS thing!!!???”



Check it out.

“Hey, Doc…d’ya think it could skip across the Atlantic!!!??? You know…like that AIDS thing!!!???”



Scary indeed.


It’s a’comin’.

Probably before winter really settles in.


And remember…keep your head down when the bullets start to fly. Unlike the internets, this here is the real deal.

Bet on that as well.

There are trillions of graft at stake. They’ll kill ya in an Oakland minute for that kind of money if they have to. Bet on that as well.



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