Apparently there is another Republican debate tonight. The Twitter machine tells me that Michele Bachmann thinks we need to be more like China. It also tells me that everyone on the stage who isn’t a Mormon is talking nonsense. And Rick Perry is remembering lines he clearly should have forgotten. It’s just one more round of relentless Stupid. Waterboarding is great, food stamps are bad, and, when it comes to foreign policy, Europe doesn’t exist. I’ll read the recaps, but I didn’t watch it. What could possibly happen that would change anything? Is Rick Santorum going to rattle off some brilliant response and jump to the front of the pack? Are people going to suddenly realize that Jon Huntsman is the only guy on the stage who could plausibly lead this country? No. None of that will happen, so why bother watching?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Also, too, the ACLU is running the CIA.
that was priceless
I just say shit cuz I’m stupid.
of course, his campaign had to email what he REALLY meant.
he was sooooo not ready for Prime Time.
I missed that calamity, but I did catch a bit of commentary on the Internet Tubez. I’ll give Ron Paul credit for continuing to call torture what it is and to oppose its use. I just wish he weren’t a right-wing bastard otherwise (and yeah, I’m already expecting at least one person here to pounce on this remark).
At this point the conclusion is unavoidable. Robert Reich isn’t nearly as intelligent as he seems to be.
Brilliant on policy, a good man, but a political dunderhead.
I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s brilliant on policy either. He’s less of an economist and more of a populist partisan.
Not a fan of Reich, but I think he’s needed for counterbalance.
His writing is uneven. He can put out decent books like Aftershock but he can let go some real brain farts from time to time.
Are people going to be as jacked-up as 2008? I doubt it.
There actually was one Republican on the stage, though maybe you missed him because they let him talk for only 89 seconds. During that minute and a half, though, he managed to reject the idea of war with Iran over it’s nuclear program, and to completely reject the idea of torture and water-boarding as immoral and un-American .
However, since our current DEMOCRATIC president will do neither of those two things, I can see why you would rather ignore him.
I’ll bite. Who was it?
must be Ron Paul
Thank god that nobody is taking Huntsman seriously, because if he actually got the GOP nom I’d be extremely worried, what with the meme going around the left that he’s “the sane candidate.” You can only say that if you haven’t heard his rhetoric about the “EPA’s reign of terror.” He’s a right-wing loony like all the rest of them, when you scratch the surface. But if he were running against PBHO, I guarantee you he’d swing a LOT of Democratic votes, and probably just about every independent not solidly for PBHO.
Is what I think. I also predicted the Rise of Newt about a month ago, I think, but am still waiting to see how that goes.
he’s not a loony like Bachmann et al. he is an extremist. I agree with you about him, glad he’s polling at 0% and hope it stays that way
I certainly agree that he’s not a loony in the same sense of some of the others; they all have their own peculiar flavor. But for him to attack the less-than-tepid attempts by the Environmental
PermittingProtection Agency to do their mandated job as a “reign of terror” places him very much in nutbag territory, given the climate change realities and pollution toxicity we live with and can’t find a way to reverse.So I guess I agree with you on pretty much everything you say.
I wouldn’t put that in nut bag territory, that’s his idea of unfettered industry – no environmental regulations. nut bag is like “China is not a socialist country” vs usa. he has an extreme right wing view of government, which I consider dangerous, but he’s operating in what we would call the reality based community unlike the others
OK, but I’d say “China is not a socialist country,” or even better, “China may have nukes soon” isn’t nutbag either, it’s just plain stupid. It’s nuts that people like that get this far along into the political process.
Why is it a given that the Republican nominee won’t be Huntsman? Eliminating the capital gains tax? He sure seems conservative to me.
What does the Republican electorate not like about him?
he worked for the Obama admin, he accepts science (climate change) and he’s a Mormon
Three strikes and you’re out.
There’s still time, but if he doesn’t start gaining some traction in the polls pdq it ain’t happening. And he has Mormon cooties; if the GOP establishment is going to endorse a non-Romney at this point it’ll be in favor of a xtian candidate. I think it’s likelier that Santorum gets a day in the sun after Gingrich, if that even happens.
it is posts like this that remind me why i am so glad I no longer have broadcast TV or cable.
I honestly can’t imagine Obama losing to any of these fools.
Just like not imagining Al Gore losing to George W. Bush or John Kerry losing to George W. Bush?
Does “system’s broken” ring a bell?
agree, and the repubs are trying suppressing vote in a major way this time around.
Another reason I’m glad there are so many republican debates: seeing how dangerous their candidates are, hopefully will motivate dems more than 2010
Michele Bachmann is still smarting over having gotten mic-checked by Occupy Charleston on the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point in Charleston Harbor.
BTW, the news didn’t note it but Occupy Greenville SC, Occupy Spartanburg SC, and the SC AFL-CIO protested outside the debates at Wofford College — 125 or so strong.