Just so you don’t think I’m picking on Ron Paul, I give you some straight-up racist messaging from Little Ricky.
“Having that strong foundation of the faith and family allows America to be in a position where we can be more free,” Santorum says. “We can be free because we are good decent moral people.”
For Santorum that means cutting government regulation. Making Americans less dependent on government aid. Fewer people getting food stamps, Medicaid and other forms of federal assistance — especially one group.
“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money,” Santorum begins. “I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.”
Santorum did not elaborate on why he singled out blacks who rely on federal assistance. The voters here didn’t seem to care.
Remember, only black folks receive federal assistance. The best way to improve their lives is to deny them food stamps, access to medical care, and any educational assistance. Heating oil? Forget about it.
Why does Ricky Sanorum equate black people and taking “somebody else’s money”? Probably because he’s a horrible human being.
On the bright side, at least he didn’t claim that aborting even black baby in the country would bring down the crime rate.
Yup…his core audience will get his message loud and clear.
Looking at this from the perspective of Ireland, Santorum just looks like the latest suitably conservative not-Mitt-Romney Christian/xenophobic/racist candidate to excite the hopes of the Republican base. But other than that, I know little about him. What makes him such a particularly horrible person in your view? How come he got elected in Pennsylvania?
I have repeatedly listened to his words. It’s somewhat blurred, but I hear Santorum say “white people” as he talked about Medicaid. Here’s the video .
“It just keeps expanding – I was in Indianola a few months ago and I was talking to someone who works in the department of public welfare here, and she told me that the state of Iowa is going to get fined if they don’t sign up more people under the Medicaid program. They’re just pushing harder and harder to get more and more of you dependent upon them so they can get your vote. That’s what the bottom line is. I don’t want to make white people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I only listened to it once and I could clearly hear the hard ‘b’ sound in black.
The Word Santorum Uses is Blight
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks for pointing that out. So weird. There really need to be some followup questions about that directed at Santorum.
Well, didn’t little ricky steal tax dollars from Penn Hills, Pa to home school his children living in VA?
He is apparently unaware that places like Walmart provide many employmees only p/t hours, usually 26 hours per week. At $8.00/hour, folks won’t really be able to provide for themselves and their families. They’ll be needing Medicaid and food stamps to get by. I come into contact with many Walmart empoyees by virtue of my employment. There are almost no f/t Walmart employees these days.
Free market capitalism at its finest…
When is the last time Santorum ever stepped foot in a Walmart? If he has, I bet he was campaigning. Otherwise he wouldn’t be caught dead there.
even if they were full time, they still couldn’t rent an average 1 bedroom apartment…even if we don’t think about paying for insurance, etc.
I think the last time Santorum was at wal mart was probably in Arkansas, getting wined and dined…
What pisses me off more is that NPR didn’t at least follow up with a question or something?
Fuck the Iowans in the audience. The idea that the NPR reporter felt it necessary to write that no one asked why he singled out “the blacks”, and yet they themselves didn’t even ask the damn question.
Here’s the video.
I hear Santorum say “white people.” Read my comment above.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
No, it’s “black people” – sounds a bit like “blight” but it’s Black, I’m sure of it.
The Word Santorum Uses is Blight
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I refuse to agree that, because Santorum is such a reprehensible and execrable piece of crap, Ron Paul is somehow elevated or improved.
Nope, that is not true. Santorum is a frothy mix, and Ron Paul is a senile racist. Both are equally disgusting pieces of crap.
Bruce Bartlett posted this on his facebook page. I have been in an enlightening conversation with one of his resident righties who doesn’t believe there are actually any racist dogwhistles in this. His last comment to me was: “only the left could come up with such absurdity as to warp a positive and virtuous statement..about helping people with greater opportunities..into a racially charged negative comment. This is much more a display of the racism from the left that what Santorum said. I am a conservative and read (and listen) to many sources on the left and right and disagree with your assertion that there’s some sort of conspiracy with hidden code words and decoder rings used by the right to re-interpret things people say such that they impart an opposite meaning of what’s said. Perhaps I just haven’t received my secret decoder ring. Or, perhaps it’s the left who’s made up this secret code and only those on the left can hear it–sort of like the film ‘Beautiful Mind.’ Maybe?”
It seems hopeless sometimes.
A lot of American racism is unconscious attitudes rooted in anxiety over the cognitive dissonance between American values and American history. It is interesting that most folks making statements like this choose “black” instead of “Indian”. And it comes down to a difference in the historical crimes against African-Americans and those against Native Americans. It is easy to consider reservations as reparations for the theft of indigenous people’s land and the suppression of their culture. But the debt to African-Americans is intuited by a lot of white people as unpaid and they are afraid that it is coming due. There is a deep sense that American prosperity would not have happened without slave labor, regardless of the analyses of economic historians. Deep in the racist psyschology is the certain knowledge that one has benefited from injustice. Santorum’s statement is a projection of that awareness that his success is not his own onto another group. This is a persistent logical construction until you start becoming aware of it in your own thinking and catch yourself.
Man, I’m so old, I remember when guys like Santorum used code words to mask their racist attitudes.
Santorum is a human being? Who knew?
Are you sure he wasn’t a rejected test result from Man-on-Dog genetic experiments? (man body, dog brain, rat morals)
I heard that Lil’ Ricky was touring Iowa in a special bus borrowed from the Duggars. How strangely appropriate.