There is a saying that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
The corollary?
No one ever got elected overestimating the intelligence of the American people either.
Especially Republicans.
Proof? Sure.
Right here.
During what little I watched of the debates…I didn’t need much to smell how foul the wind was blowing…Santorum looked to me just exactly like some 13-year old kid standing at the end of a line watching the popular kids do their victory dances while he played with himself under cover of his almost total anonymity. And now here he is, all swole up like a real man!!!
In a shallow kind of way.
Business as usual.
I am sick of business as usual.
Onward to New Hampshire. Ron Paul will…I hope…just keep coming. I have no idea what is going to happen over the primary season, nor do I know what will happen at the Republican convention or during the election. Not a clue. For the first time since Nixon was elected I am seriously considering leaving the country. What a sad scene.
‘Night all…
What good do they do?
This republic just continues to stagger towards the abyss.
That Mayan prediction about 2012?
Maybe it was just wishful thinking.
America is Montezuma’s revenge.
Bet on it.
In age group 17-29 years, Ron Paul got 48% of vote. For the near future just watch where the money flows.
Emigration? Canada has worsened under right-wing PM Harper, Mexico bad with guns and drugs, Belize .. perhaps, how is your Portuguese? Brazil could be a fair choice, has economic growth, fair climate and just passed Britain as 5th economic power. Lots of competition in the music world though.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Scandinavia…Denmark particularly. Holland. France.
I feel…comfortable…in those places. Like I belong there. Ireland and Scotland, too, but not much work for me. Great Britain? Fuggedaboudit!!! Survellance State Central. Canada? U.S. North. The southern hemisphere of the Americas? I would be able to work a great deal there…people transcribe my solos throughout South/Central/Caribbean America…but I do not want to be an identifiable member of “the enemy” on the street when the shit hits the fan. Gotta be able to blend in. Ditto Asia and Africa, plus Africa is going to be a mess for decades at least. It may never fully recover from the depredations of white supremacy.
Dust to dust? Northwestern Europe to Northwestern Europe, I think. That’s where my people came from and that’s where I will return if I leave this country.
Obama is horrifying. A cloaked hawk. Paul probably doesn’t have a shot although I would stay just to watch the fireworks if for no other reason. Romney is worse than Obama and Santorum or Gingrich? HOO boy!!! Disaster in a nutshell.
Not looking good, these days. Not looking good at all.
Sartorum will be destroyed by big money from Wall Street funneled to Romney and Gingrich. I suspect Santorum will be the Evangelicals’ Huckabee of 2012. Of course you’ll be most welcome in The Netherlands, crowded but still plenty of freedom. Perhaps, Ron Paul support may yet surprise …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I spent a lot of time there several years ago…teaching one week out every eight for a few years in the the beautiful Northwestern city of Groningen. The country flat-out runs. No fuss, no muss, everything just works the way it’s supposed to work. I call the Dutch “The Happy Germans.” Give me a docked barge to live on, fellow musicians to play my music, students to teach and an adequate supply of good French wine and I’d be set for life.
Denmark too, only the Danes are a little…looser.
We’ll see. I won’t stay here if we keep fucking up. It’s gonna blow if we do, and it won’t be a winnable situation. It’ll close right down. The NDAA is about this possibility as far as I am concerned. You know…”Just in case.” That is a case that I do not want to share. Sorry to say it but there it is.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
A message from our ME ally Israel (Haaretz) Dr. Paul would be good medicine for PM Netanyahu.
“Paul has a number of rivals for the title of farthest Republican outlier, notably ex-Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, who once criticized the left
as unfairly anti-Crusades, and who once linked homosexuality with pedophilia and even bestiality.”
Santorum’s K Street Whitewash and link AEI: denial implausible
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
drink a big glass of nice warm raw milk to celebrate Ron Paul’s upcoming upset of the Mittster, and AG’s terminal inability to pull his head out of his anal pore.
Ron Paul is a moron.
Bet on it.
Heard it here first.
Yessirree Bob.
Yessirree AG.
He’s a moron.
Did you know that drinking Kool-aid can make you a fat head?
I just love the level of your correspondence, dataguy. Keep it up. Every time you post you add more people to the Ron Paul camp.
Thank you.
You are living evidence of the reason that the Democratic Party is now totally useless in any kind of moral, strategic or tactical sense.
Win, lose or draw, it’s outta here!!!
Bet on it.
All that’s left of FDR’s Democratic Party is a crypto-corporate fascist president cloaked in progressive drag and a bunch of lame, self-interested and very wealthy Democratic Congress critters.
Very wealthy. Bet on that as as well.
If you think that these totally ineffective politicians (on the evidence) have any interest whatsoever in your own survival, happiness or even existence, then it is your head that is buried up your ass, not mine.
Nancy Pelosi just took a Hawaiian vacation in a $10,00/day suite and Obama’s recent little jaunt to Hawaii cost over $4 million.
Do these people even care what we think? Apparently not, as long as they get our vote. They throw it right out there in public, and fuck you and me.
The lifestyles of the rich and (
in)famous.Do you know what kind of personal car Ron Paul drives? He drives a 1996 Buick LeSabre. Now, really. You can say what you want about Ron Paul, including the fact that he is probably a fairly wealthy man himself. But you cannot accuse him of either conspicuous consumption or of the totally stupid political tactic of flaunting his wealth when others are scuffling.
How did he handle his patients when he was a doctor? He refused to deal with insurance and instead bartered and did pro bono work when necessary. Can you imagine Nacy Pelosi doing pro bono work?
Paul’s act?
More like this.
Whose head is where, again?
Get real.
You and all of the others who accuse Ron Paul of “racism.”
Check out his reaction to this video. He didn’t even know that it was up, nor did the event stick out in his memory. It was “…just the way we practiced medicine.”
Now I will bet that there are kneejerk Ron Paul naysayers who will claim that this is all an act or an elaborate setup of some kind, but brethren and sistren, if this is an “act” by Paul then it’s simply another reason why we need him in the White House. If he can lie this well then he is the Marlon Brando of political actors and would be the greatest negotiator in the history of modern politics.
Get real.
Speaking as someone with more experience than most in dealing with doctors who are political cranks, I don’t think Paul is “acting”. I just think he’s someone who shouldn’t be exercising political power (beyond, say, 1/435th of 1/2 of the federal legislative power in a country with a constitution that divides and limits federal power)….
Doctors are not any better or, in many cases, any smarter than the rest of us. I work with physicians, and as such, have plenty of experience working with them. A physician is basically no different than an auto mechanic. They are technicians, who fix stuff.
What they are, generally, is far more arrogant, self-satisfied, and unwilling to listen to others. Surgeons in particular are arrogant pricks. That’s the surgeon personality – you need a STRONG SENSE of ego to cut open someone’s arm. You can’t have doubt. Often good for a physician, except when it is bad.
I work with physicians myself, and have a very grave concern about a physician with power in another area.
My most grave concern?
That Information Technology geeckos like you will have the power.
He stands up to 1972 Texas racism…and I am talking about racism here, bet on it. You know…the kind that lynches people?
He stands up to 1972 Texas racism in a truly meaningful way and you call him a political crank?
Meanwhile, I presume (since you are posting here) that you would prefer the “non”-crank now in the White House who just signed away the habeus corpus rights for every living American citizen and for all those who are to follow as well?
I’m taking your comment with a grain of salt.
Or a grain morphine, whichever is most handy.
What is the real story?
“1985 to 1994
The controversial statements that have surfaced stem largely from this period. They were contained in newsletters with titles like Ron Paul’s Freedom Report, the Ron Paul Political Report, the Ron Paul Survival Report, and the Ron Paul Investment Letter, rarely under a byline (although many contained first-person references that readers would assume referred to Paul himself).”
10 years of racist stories under his name, and you have 1 comment which says “Tain’t so”.
10 years of racist comments under his name.
That’s the real story.
And if you believe that 10 years of racist comments can be erased by 1 comment, you are a moron.
He’s a racist, a sexist, and a proponent of raw milk.
“He’s a racist, a sexist, and a proponent of raw milk!!!???”
That is the single funniest statement that I have read in months. Thank you so much! You have made my day.
I can see it as a pro-Paul poster.
The hipsters would get it in a Williamsburg minute.
What? You don’t understand?
That’s right…
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
See also: Pentagon reporters convinced Ron Paul means their personal doom.
The media accidentally admitted they know they’re toast if Paul wins. So, expect even greater efforts to distract, distort, deceive.
Lots of PermaGov-allied salaries on the line.
Bet on it.