I am feeling a little under the weather. I’m probably coming down with something. In any case, I’m not up to writing much of anything. So, here are a few things to discuss.

Obama has bypassed Congress by changing the process by which undocumented workers can apply for family hardship waivers. Immigrant advocacy groups are pleased. The Republicans are furious.

Israeli students rated the attractiveness of U.S. politicians and somehow ranked Saxby Chambliss near the top. He’s better-looking than Johnny Isakson, but I still don’t understand.

Is it just me or is it disappointing that three years with a black president seems to have only emboldened Republican presidential candidates to make more explicitly racist comments? I had hoped that the election of Obama proved that that kind of behavior no longer works. Also, that it would be so obvious that it doesn’t work that people wouldn’t bother trying.

I’m trying to feel bad for Kansas, but it is just very hard for me to do.

I’m trying not to panic about the weather.

As a Pennsylvanian, I laugh as I watch the rest of the country learn about what makes Little Ricky tick. He has an almost unique ability to make people hate him. He may even be better at it than Mitt Romney. The difference is that Mitt Romney mainly infuriates people who know him personally. Santorum just infuriates people who actually listen to what he has to say.

What’s on your mind? What are you doing this weekend?