Progress Pond

Gingrich To Get Tiny Boost

My back of the napkin calculations indicate that Newt Gingrich stands to increase his performance in South Carolina by less than two percentage points as a result of Rick Perry dropping out and endorsing him. Perry supporters prefer Gingrich to Romney by a 2:1 ratio, but he only had the support of 4% of South Carolina’s Republican voters. Even if all of Perry’s votes went to just Gingrich and Romney, Gingrich would only pick up an additional 1.4% of the vote. But, of course, some percentage will move to Santorum and Paul, and others may move to Colbert/Cain.

In other words, Perry’s move could be important if South Carolina turns out to be as close as Iowa, but he won’t confer too much of a boost to Gingrich.

Rick Perry’s campaign was so sad that I feel like it would be cruel to write a post-mortem about it. He was the worst candidate of his stature that I have ever seen. Even Sarah Palin was considerably better.

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