Things have been crazy over the last few days. Still, everything is pointing to a win (possibly a huge win) for Newt Gingrich in South Carolina. And with Romney suddenly ducking Monday’s debate in Tampa, it appears like the wheels are coming off the frontrunner’s car. Floridians go to the polls on Tuesday, and they may go there with Romney’s collapse and cowardice fresh in their minds. If Romney loses Florida, I wonder where he will ever win again. Even if he pulls out a win in the Nevada caucuses, I don’t know that that will be enough to help him rebound.

For most of the last year I’ve been thinking two totally irreconcilable things. Either I convince myself that Romney will win everywhere because his opponents are ridiculous or I convince myself that Romney will lose the nomination because the GOP base is so radical.

I’d say that I still lean towards Romney winning by default, but he’s really such a bad candidate that he’s not creating much room between him and the ridiculous candidates. Maybe he sucks so much as a politician that Newt Gingrich is actually more electable. I’m beginning to entertain that idea. And I think a lot of Republicans are, too.