Progress Pond

In Response to a Question From ejmw.

I recently wrote a comment that was critical of part of Steve M.’s post Better to Travel Angrily Than to Arrive.

Here is ejmw’s take on my position…a general pro-Ron Paul position that I have maintained here for several months…and a quite thorough answer to what was said in it.

I suspect that the reason BooMan didn’t respond to your pictures of maimed Middle Eastern children is because the answer is completely obvious; of course everyone thinks that is a terrible thing.  Would it be great if someone could throttle down the American empire to the point where this was not happening?  Again, of course.  

Bullshit, ejmw.That was not my point. I am so tired of people reading something and then not getting what it plainly said.

I wrote:

Booman…if those pictures were of your kid, would you give up the fight against an invader?

That post was “about” the UniParty. The DemRat/RepubliCrat party. We elected someone to stop the scourge of our Blood For Oil wars…a scourge upon this country as well as large parts of  the rest of the world…and all he has done is refine it. Make it more efficient and less…obvious. On a more personal level it was “about” both Booman’s political positions and those of most of the rest of the leftiness establishment. He didn’t/couldn’t answer because if he did so in an honest manner he would then have to change his entire take on the whole political orthodoxy now in place.

Read on for more.

Ejmw asked:

Would it be great if someone could throttle down the American empire to the point where this was not happening?  Again, of course.

If you believe that this is a desirable goal…and I truly believe that you do…then why are you not supporting the only anti-war, anti-economic imperialism (and thus anti-racist) candidate to ever get this far into an ongoing presidential campaign? Ever. There is a total disconnect going on in the leftiness world between what people say and who they support, and I am here to ask the magic question. “What the fuck!!!???

Ron Paul has been perfectly clear about his own goals in this direction. He said it again in South Carolina a couple of days ago and got booed for his candor.

Maybe we ought to consider a golden rule. Don’t do to other nations what we don’t want them to do to us.

DUH!!! Where is the problem with that statement? What have we become, ejmw? I ask you…at long last, have we lost all shame?

Leftinesses of all varieties find many excuses not to support this man, and the best among them keep harping on the idea that he is “unelectable.” Duh twice!!! This is an ongoing, self-fulfilling prohecy. Where does it come from? Well, I’ll give you a hint. At this moment in time here are 638 news stories offered in Google News to the search <“Ron Paul” + unelectable>. Over the entire web? more like 412,000 hits.

This person says it about as well as it can be said:

The Ministry Of Propaganda Declares Ron Paul “Unelectable”

The Ministry of Propaganda has chosen to suppress the only dangerous-to-the-Power Elites candidate by declaring him “unelectable.”

The Status Quo’s Ministry of Propaganda has a single political task for 2012: eliminate the sole threat to the Status Quo (Ron Paul) from the running, leaving voters with a “choice” of clueless stooges for the Power Elite.

That roster includes President Obama and the daytime-TV/soap-opera field of Republicrat contenders.

The Ministry of Propaganda has settled on a ludicrous strategy to eliminate Ron Paul: declare Paul “unelectable.”

As with all propaganda, the basic idea is that if it is repeated often enough on officially sanctioned stages, it will eventually be accepted as “true.”

Our Christmas-New Year’s week of family visits took us to homes where the television is on all the time, and as a result I was exposed to the Ministry of Propaganda’s preferred media, TV “news.” Regardless of the channel or program, the message was the same: “The presidential race will between Obama and either Romney or Gingrich.”

Despite the polls that find Paul and Romney with equal levels of support in Iowa, Romney has been declared the front-runner and Paul written off as “unelectable.”

Interestingly enough, that post comes up first in a Google search of the above <“Ron Paul” + unelectable> term, and that means that there are one hell of a lot of people who are seeing the truth of how things are being run. Enough? I doubt it. But in terms of sheer morality and honor, why are you and the rest of the well-meaning leftinesses among them? I ask you this because I really want you to ask it of yourself. Please.

I wrote here long ago and far away (June, 2006) that the original sin of the United States of America is racism. (Racism. America’s Original Sin) Read it. It still stands up today.

In it I wrote:

Supersoling writes (regarding American racism and its economic imperialist methods):

I don’t know how we can live with ourselves anymore.

The REAL question here is how “we”…that is white, Western European-descended America…have EVER lived with ourselves.

We make a distinction between economic and political reasons for the desire (and indeed the survival-based necessity in most cases) to emigrate?

What BULLSHIT! Without the broadly accepted implicitly racist policies of America and its European forebears for 400+ years there would be no political or economic necessities FOR immigration. Certainly not the ones that exist today, for sure.

In one of his missives to the so-called free world, Osama bin Laden asks the magic question “By what measure of kindness are your killed considered innocents while ours are considered worthless? By what school [of thought] is your blood considered blood while our blood is water?”

Let us ask a further question.

Where is it written that the natural resources of the lands from which our millions of immigrants have escaped are insufficient to support their native populations? INCLUDING the massive immigrations of Celts and Italians at the end of the 19th century.

And the answer is that it is written in the implicit contract of racially based imperialism upon which the world dominance of Western European society has been based since the 1400s if not before.

How we can live with ourselves?

The real question is one that asks how or why anyone else can or would want to “live with us.”

Racism is America’s Original Sin.

The one that really dare not speak its name. Not its full name, anyway.

As in Niggerkikespicwopmickgookchinkjapragheadhunkyhonkywog.

With a further and equally criminal subdivision called BitchWhore.

And until it is fully expiated…and I mean fully, as in the universal and unremarkable recognition that indeed all men and women ARE born equal in terms of innate possibility across and throughout all races AND THE UNIVERSAL, REAL-TIME SOCIAL RECOGNITION OF SAID CONCEPT INCLUDING THE AVAILABILITY OF EQUAL HOUSING, EMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL…until that happens (And I do not presently see even the REMOTEST of possibilities that something like that is in the works here. Precisely the opposite, truth be told. We are going BACKWARDS.), then all the rest of what we say and do is the sheerest bullshit.

“Sheerest bullshit.” As is the thought that just because we elected a light-skinned man of part-African heritage as president we have somehow “turned a corner” in this respect. We have not. He allows…tacitly or otherwise…the continuation of this set of policies, both at home and abroad. Would he be opposed if he stood up and said “No more of this!!!” Of course he would. Just look at what is happening to Ron Paul in the media to see what kind of opposition would ensue, if not worse. Much worse, given his position. But supersoling’s statement is undeniably true.

I don’t know how we can live with ourselves anymore.

Neither do I. Any acceptance of this state of affairs is unacceptable as far as I am concerned, tacit or otherwise. Would a drone strike or a Navy Seal attack on say Dick Cheney, George Butch II or some of the Wall Street thieves who engineered the economic crisis now eating away at the U.S. like a hyena on a dying antelope…all of whom have wrought more damage to this country than could ever have been accomplished by even 100 Osama bin Ladens…would an attack of that sort or its judicial equivalent ever happen under the current administration? Get real.

And the bad karma just keeps piling up.

When does the snapback happen?

When do the chickens finally come home to roost?

The Mayan 2012?

Could be.

But someday? For certain.

One way or another. One day or another.

Any day now.

Aaaaaany day now…

Wake the fuck up, before it’s too late. A deathday repentance will not carry much weight in the courts of the infinite universe, ejmw. Not much weight at all.


You don’t like what I say or how I say it?

Keep on looking away.

The snapback is going to be a bitch.

Bet on it.

Germany learned that the hard way.

Sooner or later it’s going to be our turn.

Bet on it.



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