What has Obama done to polarize the country?
“Obama’s ratings have been consistently among the most polarized for a president in the last 60 years,” concludes Gallup’s Jeffrey Jones in a memo summing up the results. “That may not be a reflection on Obama himself as much as on the current political environment in the United States, because Obama’s immediate predecessor, Bush, had similarly polarized ratings, particularly in the latter stages of his presidency after the rally in support from the 9/11 terror attacks faded.”
They’re chanting “Kenya” at Republican rallies. This has nothing to do with George W. Bush and his shitty presidency.
They’re chanting “Kenya” at Republican rallies.
And yet idiots like Mr. Jones and Politifact are supposedly credible organizations. Yet they just prove themselves to be jokes day after day. Did these dopes forget basic math? How do they put polls together when they can’t even do basic math?
Since Reagan, Republicans have never accepted the idea that a Democrat could win the White House; they respond with freakouts (1992, 1996, 2008) or theft (2000, 2004[?]) every time it does.
OT, but I’m gonna post his where ever I can, cause when Fox News getsh PWNED by the freakin’ Muppets it should be seen by every one!
Miss Piggy: Fox News Is Not News
Please watch the video. It will make you smile if not laugh out loud like I did.
Nice, it truly did bring a smile to my face!!!
Brilliant – FB’d
It’s as simple as black and white.
Jim F is on point here, then add the cumulative effect of Faux Noise, Rush and all the others and we are getting close to an answer. It is hard to overstate the effect of racism in all of this. Some people will never accept anyone other than an old white guy in the White House.
oh, by the way, did I say BLACK?
They’re chanting “Kenya” at Republican rallies. This has nothing to do with George W. Bush and his shitty presidency.
It has a whole hell of a lot to do with John McCain and his shitty running mate. Else it’s a massive coincidence, in which, in politics, I tend not to believe.