As you may know, it is the “Year of the Bible” in Pennsylvania, thanks to unanimous support, from republicans and demmocrats alike, for a resolution introduced by Rep. Rick Saccone.
I had a lively phone conversation with Saccone’s office before we produced this one, in which I kept listing all the Bible laws that might be inconvenient in our times. The woman on the other end of the phone got VERY flustered and upset. At one point she said that “the Old Testament doesn’t count, Christians only follow the New Testament.” She also said I must be confusing my Bible with my Koran.
She was certainly letting her freak flag fly.
push for a Year of Leviticus where we can live under true Biblical Law in the Keystone State for a year and see how we like it.
i shoulda added some sitar sounds when the psychedelic rainbow appears.
Picking and choosing in the bible as to which sections are correct? I didn’t think that was possible. I thought that the whole dang thing is/was the Inerrant Word of God as Interpreted by A Bunch of Sheep-Screwing Polygamists.
That’s what Jesus said in plain American English while he was turning water to Mountain Dew.
it’s only inerrant when it’s politically and personally convenient.
thus faggots must be executed, but you can still enjoy your pork ribs.
Under biblical law, cheeseburgers would be illegal (meat and dairy together).