Is Mitt Romney the most incompetent politician in modern American history?
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Compared to whom?
Those three at least got their party’s nomination. It’s no sure thing Romney will even do that. And both Gore and Kerry, despite their numerous faults, probably would have won a fair election. Dukakis, though, managed to lose badly to a seriously non-charismatic GHWB, and his tank photo-op lives in ridicule. That might be a fair comparison.
And Kerry almost won during the middle of a war with an economy that wasn’t too bad at the time. He kicked W’s ass during the debates. That election should’ve been a Clintonian 2nd term re-elect margin. Kerry gets a bad rap.
Kerry and Gore both caved in when the hustle was dropped on them. They copped out. Their surrender was responsible for the disastrous George W. Butch 8 year reign of terror. The blood of hundreds of thousands and the broken lives of millions are on their hands. Were they simply weak, cowardly pols or were they in some way complicit in the sting? We’ll probably never know, but I suspect that it was the weakness of the too-wealthy that did them in.
Fighting a good fight and then lying down in the last round is not fighting a good fight.
Seconded about John Kerry.
No incumbent wartime president has ever lost reelection. The candidate who came closest to doing so – by a mile – was John Kerry.
No incumbent wartime president was ever this stupid.
Nor were any of our “wars” so falsely sold to the American people.
He was a sitting duck. And Kerry misfired.
On purpose?
The way things have been going since the JFK coup, anything is possible.
No incumbent wartime president was ever this stupid.
The would be a legitimate counterpoint to the argument that Kerry’s over-performance, compared to the historical record, means he was a particularly strong candidate.
I’m just saying, his performance demonstrates that he was not a particularly weak one.
No matter how bad Bush was, no incumbent wartime president is a “sitting duck.” Ever, in the entirety of American history. Remember, Bush’s approval was over 50% on election day. You just can’t argue that an incumbent with such an approval level was a “sitting duck,” no matter how undeserved that approval so obviously was. Voter opinion is what it is.
Kerry…I called him “Small K kerry” during the campaign…ran a cowardly, mediocre campaign against a fool. He didn’t call Butch out on the run-up to the Iraq War and neither did he adequately defend himself from the Swift Boat routine.
Now…about the latter…
I’m not sure whether he could defend himself. He strikes me as an upward-marrying pol, and in Boston he has a horrible rep for me-firsting on all levels. I wasn’t there in Vietnam with him…they couldn’t have gotten me there at gunpoint and believe me, they tried. As Muhammad Ali so rightly pointed out, “No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” Or ofay or white trash or any other name. That was just a another stupid war for all the wrong reasons as far as I am concerned. But Kerry was there…because of conscience or just because it was expected of a future rich boy pol? I dunno. Had he been the stand-up guy he portrayed himself to have been in Viet Nam, he would have stood up to enemy fire here. But instead he hid.
I have no respect for him whatsoever.
I’m starting to think Booman’s right and that Romney is the weakest. Still think Santorum would be better overall, but…shit. The trees video was bizarre. Especially when it’s matched with Anchor Man clips of “I love lamp.”
It’s like a movie version of The Office, set in the world of presidential politics. I can’t watch The Office, because I cringe. I find it really uncomfortable. Mitt’s campaign is heading the same direction.
I love lamp.
In fact, now I want to watch Steve Carrell as Michael Scott as Mitt Romney. Why should Tina Fey have all the fun?
thanks for posting this! it’s more bizarre than demon sheep. the part about the lakes???? and I grew up in Michigan, btw. has he ever seen the “little tiny lakes”? I’ll bet not. still can’t get over mentioning his wife’s two cadillacs (though that’s not on this tape of course) I’m just free associating
thinking more about this, I’ll bet he’s only seen the “little tiny lakes” from an airplane window on his way to bankrupt some company. those little tiny lakes are not tiny and they’re amazing. here’s one of my favorites
Silver Lake near Hart, Michigan. a beautiful blue lake surrounded by sand dunes. just amazing
trees video is bizarre especially the color – greenish-brown? he’s waxing poetic about the color of dead leaves? he could do it if he were Shakespeare or Keats, of course. his casual rambling on and on about how many cars his family owns is strange – glimpse into an alternate reality. that Mitt really has no concept of anything outside his 1% bubble explains most of his strangeness, but the trees video is in a category by itself.
He’s a product of the party.
They are incapable of leading.
And members are too nuts to be led.
Going the way of the Whigs.
It will be interesting to see what climbs out of the ashes by 2016.
But Romney is also trying to run his campaign by the numbers as if it is a HBR case study. He simply has no visible soul or reason to want to be President.
It’s not just the Mittster. It’s his campaign team as well. Recently it looks like Michael Dukakis meets Mark Penn.
He’s floundering because he’s not a good fit for the current GOP, and he doesn’t know how to handle that. Maybe it’s time for him to fold. (Anticipate the atrocities)
And who hired his campaign team?
I’m guessing, the people he hired to hire a campaign team.
Though I’m beginning to think he has the potential to at least tie Quayle in misspeaks, I’m more inclined to say he’s instead the front guy for the worst GOP in history.
They say he’s a flip flopper, but the party itself is rudderless. They say he’s an ex Gov whose state was scraping the bottom of the barrel of unemployment stats; but the country at large is still struggling to overcome the GOP’s disastrous record of job destruction during and after Bush’s reign. On and on.
George Will and crew may have been cringing lately about Mitt’s weakness but as Jeb pointed out, Mitt’s just the frontman for a Party that has lost it’s ability to reach out for larger horizons or as Guilliani points out it’s lost it’s ‘modern’.
It doesn’t matter in this field. Santorum just cooked his goose with the “Dutch Kill Granny” shit. In case you haven’t noticed, Northern Europeans make up a large part of the Republican Right in the Midwest. The MidWest (Rust Belt) was where Santorum was going to show up Romney.
People, it ain’t gonna happen now. You just don’t fuck with the Dutch. They get mad and they know LOTS of Germans.