Erick Erikson thinks that Bobby Jindal is the man to step in and save the Republicans from the horror of Mitt Romney. Forgive me, but I don’t see how Jindal is much different from Tim Pawlenty. He’s a fairly popular governor, but he isn’t ready for primetime. He doesn’t excite anyone. The GOP is going to win Louisiana anyway, at least if they have any chance of winning the general election. I don’t think Jindal would shift the demographics of the vote much. It’s just a stupid idea to put your hopes in Bobby Jindal. He reminds me of the Kenneth character on 30 Rock more than he strikes me as a plausible president.
However, I can’t disagree too much with this:
When you have a candidate few people really like, whose support is a mile wide and an inch deep, whose raison d’etre (a 4am fancy word) is fixing an economy that is fixing itself without him, and who only wins his actual, factual home state by three percentage points against a guy no one took seriously only two months ago, there really is little reason for independent voters in the general election to choose him if the economy keeps improving.
Seriously, putting it bluntly, conservatives may not like Barack Obama, but most other people do. And when faced with a guy you like and a guy you don’t like who says he can fix an economy that no longer needs fixing, you’re going to go with the guy you like.
My only questions are, what would Bobby Jindal say differently and why would people like him? Is Jindal going to say that the economy is great and doesn’t need fixing? Is he going to become charismatic overnight?
Erikson identifies the problem. He doesn’t’ realize that it’s a problem without a solution. See you in Tampa!!
I have never, in my 59 years of listening to the shit dripping from REpukeliscum and Democrat alike, heard a worse speech than the rebuttal that Jindal gave 2 years ago to Obama’s SOTU. It was horrible. It had no music at all. It made Mitch Daniels look like Pericles of Athens. It would be SOOOOO much fun to watch him against Obama in a debate. Like a tame turkey shoot.
Mainly, he just looked small.
Yes, that as well. But his cadences were all wrong. The man is a horrible public speaker. And that’s in comparison to the worst I thought I know, Bush 43. That guy was terrible, but to his credit did improve. Jindal is simply awful.
As to the looking small, this again comes down to cluelessness. You need to wear the right clothes, get the right props. Get behind a podium, speak to an audience, etc.
I’m not a politician, but I know that I would do a better job than these clowns. Especially Jindal.
OT, but the White House Dinner Honoring Iraq War Veterans is on CSPAN right now.
oops, nevermind, looks like they only showed Obama’s speaking.
I’d like to see the day when there is a White House dinner acknowledging Iraq war victims.
In the span of the week Republicans have actually made two astute observations
“Seriously, putting it bluntly, conservatives may not like Barack Obama, but most other people do”
And “Republicans being against sex is not good. Sex is popular.”
What is next, the stimulus worked?
I think Juan Williams covered that one:
Does he count as a Republican?
If he did enter the race, I think he would win the nomination. He can still file for the late primaries in California, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota (well, and Utah, but I think we know who will win there).
At this point, it looks like any path that gives Romney a first ballot majority at the convention goes through California. By challenging and beating Romney in California, Jindal would assure that Romney wouldn’t have a first ballot nomination. Beating Romney in four late primaries would give Jindal a compelling case at a convention where the delegates become free agents after the first ballot.
Jindal isn’t made of plastic, his parents were immigrants, he got where he is because of his ability and not his money. Of course, he cannot win if he does not play, and I imagine he won’t play.
I wanted to comment on Olympia Snowe as well. Her decision was so late and so unforeseen that it makes me wonder if something more isn’t going on here. I have a little hunch on this. I think she got a call from Mitt offering her the VP if he does get the nomination. I think it’s a good move on Romney’s part. If he’s going to have a shot in November, he’ll need the independent voters, and there’s nobody that will appeal to them more than Olympia Snowe. And I don’t think she’ll embarrass herself in interviews either.
A pro-choice woman on a ticket with a guy who can barely sell his conservative creds from a state that’s solidly blue in presidential general elections? That isn’t gonna happen lol.
That’s a curious theory. It’d be like the Democrats running an Evan Bayh/Blanche Lincoln ticket. Feel the excitement!
Nah, not as a repuke. She may run on one of those Higher Broderism centrist oatmeal tickets, for Americans United (isn’t that a football side?) or some other loser group.
It’s cute that Erick Erickson feels that he has to apologize for the faux pas of using a French expression.
Q’elle horreuer!
Jindal’s a guy that said stupid things about volcano monitoring. Going up against a guy born in Hawai’i?
Pele will have her revenge.
We’ve seen this movie before, Rick Perry was going to save the day because he had this amazing record of creating jobs in Texas blah blah blah. Until he opened his mouth and everyone discovered that the man couldn’t put together an intelligent thought or complete a sentence. Jindal is certainly smarter than Perry but he’s just as boring and amusing (and I don’t mean that as a compliment).
“Bobby Jindal? Seriously?”
Exactly my reaction when I saw that.
Never did understand why any of them thought he would be a hot candidate for national office.
OK, a brown Republican.
But jeez.