Progress Pond

All My Friends Are Doing It

A lot of conservatives are operating under the assumption that progressives give a crap what Bill Maher thinks or that we even consider him one of our own. Maher is a comedian and an entertainer who has some progressive opinions, but he also has many libertarian opinions. He’s always been a pig and a chauvinist. The main thing that unites him with progressives is his loathing of the religious right, which is increasingly synonymous with the Republican Party. When he called Sarah Palin a “slut” he wasn’t speaking for progressives and many progressives denounced him for his boorishness. In any case, no parent that I know has ever been impressed with the defense that other people are doing it, too. Just because the world has many prescription drug addicts and people who engage in sex tourism is no excuse for Rush Limbaugh’s behavior. And Bill Maher is not a defense for Limbaugh’s behavior either.

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