A married couple in Wisconsin needs a divorce attorney:

A Chippewa Falls man who repeatedly tried to block his estranged wife from driving to the polls Tuesday was hospitalized with head, neck and back injuries when she struck him with her sport utility vehicle.

Jeffery Radle, a Gov. Scott Walker supporter, was on foot.

Amanda Radle, a recall proponent, was in a Dodge Durango.

The pair had been arguing early Tuesday afternoon over who she was going to vote for in the gubernatorial recall election primary, said Chippewa Falls Police Chief Wendy L. Stelter.

“She was planning on voting for a certain candidate, and it wasn’t the candidate he wanted her to vote for,” Stelter said.

When Amanda Radle, 30, attempted to pull out, Jeffery Radle, 36, stood in front of her, according to a police department statement. She nudged him with the vehicle several times.

Each time he would “retreat and re-establish his ground,” the release said. “At one point he climbed onto the hood.”

When she finally attempted to drive around him, Jeffery Radle jumped in front of the vehicle and was hit. Amanda Radle left the scene and went to the police department to report the incident, the release said.

“These crazy liberal nuts are always pulling this crap,” said Radle’s brother, Mike Radle, describing himself and his brother as firm supporters of Walker, the subject of the recall.

I love the brother. Yes, we crazy liberal nuts are always running over our spouses with cars. We just love to pull crap like that.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett easily won the Democratic nomination to take on Governor Scott Walker. It will be a rematch of the 2010 contest. The election will be June 5th, and the Koch Brothers and their like-minded allies have something like a 20:1 money advantage, so give a dime to Barrett if you can spare it.