How am I supposed to feel about this? In any case, I’m off to take Finny on his first train ride as part of National Train Day. He loves trains. He especially loves Thomas the Tank Engine, so this should be a real treat for him.
Don’t shoot anyone in the face while I’m gone.
On the first, I’d feel that Mr. Rich Guy there is an unpatriotic piece of shit that doesn’t want to pay his fair share, just like the rest of the Rich Guys out there pulling this crap. Fuck him and his lifestyle. With him gone, that’s one less rich person using our roads, airspace, and other public benefits without paying for them.
On the second, have fun with Finny! I’m am positive my brother is out with Elliott today too. Mational Train Day is awesome. Are you guys going to 30th Street station? If you do, there’s an area that overlooks the train yard, he’ll go berzerk.
Unpatriotic? Patriotism – aka nationalism – is as great a source of evil as organized religion is.
there’s a difference between chanting “We’re number one” and not being a scofflaw.
what booman said.
Yeah, we went to 30th Street with Noz and Noz Jr.
awesome, I’ll bet the kiddo has the time of his life.
I worked on a home once for a family who loved trains and they had designed the home around a miniature train track that ran on tracks that ran throughout the entire house up at about a 7 foot height. In the morning the dad would start up the train to run around blasting its whistle to wake up the kids. Fun family.
You’ll probably be relieved to know that you can stop watching TtTE videos in 2-4 years – unless you bring another little one into your lives…
Regarding Saverin, so what? He doesn’t live in the U.S. he lives in Singapore. He was born in Brazil. He has a right to be a citizen or not a citizen as he likes.
so he can come here, use our resources build a company, make tons of money and when it comes to pay his fair share all he has to say is “well I don’t want to be an American citizen anymore”?
I have to pay 26.4% German Dividend Tax on my Volkswagen dividends. So why shouldn’t he pay his Capital gain Tax on his US investment whether he is a citizen or not?
Living in Singapore is not problem, the IRS could always attach his stock in Facebook. Or extradite him. If the tax bill is too big for his US assets. Threaten Singapore with a ban on imports into the USA. They’ll surrender him, probably with twenty lashes.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Good riddance to him and the rest of the 0.1%
Most kids phase out of Thomas the Tank Engine by age 8 or so, but for those who remain interested it is a great hobby….
My parents used to take us from Indy to NYC for Christmas on the Spirit Of St. Louis. Been in love with train travel ever since.