In an era of permissable torture and invasion of privacy, it is claimed society has clamped down on horseplay by calling it bullying. Poor Mitt, must be a victim of changing moral values in the US of A.
Mitt Romney’s ‘hijinks’ seen as bullying today
NEW YORK (AP) — When Mitt Romney was a good-looking teen in the buttoned-up ’60s, corporal punishment was the norm and bullying had a different, more acceptable name: hijinks. Yet in today’s zero-tolerance world when it comes to, well, just about everything, things haven’t changed all that much for young victims of bullies. Definitions have tightened, become law, but bullying is far from over.
“Bullying’s never going to go away,” said one crusader, ex-Marine James McGibney, a dad who founded a new social network, BullyVille.com, where victims can find help. “What makes it a million times worse is the advent of the Internet.”
There was no Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or sexting when several fellow students at a posh Detroit-area prep school say 18-year-old Romney led a boy posse to hold down one among them perceived as different and snip off his bleached blond hair.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The very use of the word suggests a certain disconnectedness w/modern America.
A few years ago I was in Westchester and went to a grocery store in an upscale town. While I was checking out, the girl behind the counter…quite obviously from the ghetto right next door to this bedroom community as were all of the low-pay workers at the store…said “Do you wanna contribute to Jerry’s Kids?” It was part of her job. The Jerry Lewis Telethon and all. I politely declined and finished my transaction. As I was leaving I overheard her shout to the next checkout person “Who the fuck is “Jerry”!!!???”
That kind of disconnect.
Only backwards.
I will bet you that less than 1% of the people under say 65 years of age in the U.S. ever use the word “hijinks.”
It is redolent of the flapper era through maybe the early ’50s to me. Something my grandfather might say, and he was born before WW I.
Bohemian Grove Hi Jinks 1911-16
Something that Archie and his pals ‘n’ gals might get into on a Saturday night after going to the malt shop.
This race is so fixed. Even R. Money doesn’t know it.
It’s a time fix.
Place a candidate so far in the past that most people cannot even see him as anything more than a cartoon sketch and the fix is in.
Willard has remained stuck in a fantasy version of 1959. Except for jumping on the 1980’s “greed is good” bandwagon that Michael Milken and assorted corporate raiders were running.
Regarding Willard “not remembering” the bullying incident he was involved in:
It’s tied in with the entitled/elitist nature of the wealthy class. whatever behavior/actions they take related to the “lower classes” are normal, to be expected. and we shouldn’t demand too much justice.
In other words, not much has changed in 2,000 years.
“He who hath the gold maketh the rules”.
Cranbrook had all the trappings of an elite school where kids walked around like junior executives and, as Tom Elliott, Class of 1966, recalled, learned mantras such as, “Remember who you are, and what you represent.”
“There’s a wild and crazy man inside of there just waiting to come out,” Romney’s wife, Ann — a graduate of Cranbrook’s sister school, Kingswood — attested in a television interview this month, evoking what she saw as his endearing and fun-loving prep-school persona.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."