In an era of permissable torture and invasion of privacy, it is claimed society has clamped down on horseplay by calling it bullying. Poor Mitt, must be a victim of changing moral values in the US of A.

Mitt Romney’s ‘hijinks’ seen as bullying today

NEW YORK (AP) — When Mitt Romney was a good-looking teen in the buttoned-up ’60s, corporal punishment was the norm and bullying had a different, more acceptable name: hijinks. Yet in today’s zero-tolerance world when it comes to, well, just about everything, things haven’t changed all that much for young victims of bullies. Definitions have tightened, become law, but bullying is far from over.

“Bullying’s never going to go away,” said one crusader, ex-Marine James McGibney, a dad who founded a new social network, BullyVille.com, where victims can find help. “What makes it a million times worse is the advent of the Internet.”

There was no Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or sexting when several fellow students at a posh Detroit-area prep school say 18-year-old Romney led a boy posse to hold down one among them perceived as different and snip off his bleached blond hair.

Young Dutch girl commits suicide in new form cyber bullying

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."