I tried sending the following to Smiley & West radio after their sickening whine attacking Obama’s motives and character for his same-sex marriage statement, but their comment/email system makes TPM’s look almost functional. So I put it up at Kos. Now that the topic came up in a post by Brendan, I decided to post it here as well. It applies to a crowd of self-styled lefties who might also want to think about why they’re singing the same song as Foxnews and the GOP. {this site won’t let me insert the S&W link — you can find it at smileyandwest.com/this-weeks-show/hot-stuff-3/}. Here’s what I sent:
Sometimes Obama makes be so mad I wonder if I’m going to start spitting blood. Sometimes Smiley & West has the same effect. This weekend Smiley & West brought on the red mouthtide.
I thought I must have tuned in Limbaugh or FoxNews by mistake when you picked up their meme of the week: Obama was lying in his message on gay marriage,that he was solely motivated by partisan tactics, that his “slowness” on the issue are far more significant than his message now. Gods forbid that even a president should get to actually think deeply once in a while, wrestle with is personal conflicts, and be taken at his word when he comes to a conclusion. And then you say his announcement probably cost him some of the black vote. So where’s this electoral calculation of which you speak? When you don’t even make sense it’s a good sign that you’re speaking from prejudice, not reason. When you find yourself singing in the same chorus as Hannity and Bachman, maybe it’s time to wonder what’s going on in your own consciousness.
I don’t have enough fingers and toes to tally the times I’ve vowed never to vote for Obama again, and to quit listening to S&W. Fact is that I’ll be voting and working for Obama again because despite the letdowns, he’s the best president of my (fairly long) adult lifetime. And I’ll keep tuning in S&W because it’s the best lefty/activist political show anywhere. I’d just offer the kind of advice Doc would offer: maybe it’s time to look into your own souls and see where this poison is dripping from.
But thanks for all you do anyway.
Dave, Chicago
Protection from spammers – links insert for ‘trusted’ users only – Smiley & West. One has to earn his living in BooMan’s pond …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."